Most Read... Rebecca WattsThe Cult of the Noble Amateur
(PN Review 239)
John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
(PN Review 259)
Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
Next Issue Stav Poleg's Banquet Stanley Moss In a concluding conversation, with Neilson MacKay John Koethe Poems Gwyneth Lewis shares excerpts from 'Nightshade Mother: a disentangling' John Redmond revisits 'Henneker's Ditch'
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PN Review Substack
Poems, Authors - M
George MacBeth Subscribers only A Poem for Green (1983)
Alex MacDonald Subscribers only King of Snake and other poems (2022)
Antonio Machado Subscribers only Five Poems (translated from the Spanish by Nicholas Friedman) (2012)
Mairi MacInnes Subscribers only The Skirt (1983)
Susan Mackervoy Subscribers only Six Poems (2019)
Patrick Mackie Subscribers only Two Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Ten Poems (1998)
Subscribers only A Translation (i.m. Octavio Paz) (1998)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Eight Poems (2008)
Nick MacKinnon Subscribers only Two Poems (2016)
Sorley Maclean Subscribers only Hallaig (1990)
Subscribers only Six Poems (1994)
Silis MacLeod Subscribers only Haverins (2021)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2023)
Mary MacRae Subscribers only Glose: Water and Stone (2004)
Derek Mahon Subscribers only A Kensington Notebook (1983)
Subscribers only Two Amores (1983)
Subscribers only The Forger (1984)
Subscribers only An Image from Beckett (1984)
Subscribers only Consolations of Philosophy (1984)
Subscribers only Dog Days (1984)
Subscribers only The Snow Party (1984)
Subscribers only The Disused Shed in Co. Wexford (1984)
Subscribers only The Return (1984)
Subscribers only Courtyards in Delft (1984)
Subscribers only North Wind: Portrush (1984)
Subscribers only The Andean Flute (1984)
Subscribers only Tractatus (1984)
Subscribers only The Woods (1984)
Maitreyabandhu Subscribers only Three Poems (2016)
Subscribers only Einstein’s Watch (2019)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2023)
Roop Majumdar Subscribers only Two Poems (2024)
Oksana Maksymchuk Subscribers only Nine Poems (2022)
Poems (2023)
Belkis Cuza Malé Subscribers only Poems (1986)
Willy Maley Subscribers only On My Father's Refusal to Renew his Subscription to The Beijing Review (2006)
John Mallett Subscribers only Visiting the Oncologist (2005)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2011)
Steve Malmude Subscribers only Eleven Poems (2024)
Eli P. Mandel Subscribers only Three Poems (2022)
Osip Mandelstam Subscribers only Whoever Finds a Horseshoe (1989)
Subscribers only On Finding a Horseshoe (2022)
Bill Manhire Subscribers only Four Poems (1981)
Subscribers only Summer (1982)
Subscribers only An Outline (1982)
Subscribers only Legacies (1983)
Subscribers only Breakfast (1984)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Miscarriage (1988)
Subscribers only Brazil (1990)
Subscribers only Isabella Notes (1993)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Hoosh (1995)
Subscribers only Five Short Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2005)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2016)
Subscribers only Warm Ocean and other poems (2020)
Five Poems (2022)
Rachel Mann Subscribers only Two Poems (2010)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2016)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2018)
Eeva Liisa Manner Subscribers only Five Poems (1993)
Peter Manson Subscribers only Canine In The Windsor (2021)
Sándor Márai Subscribers only Five Poems from Verses Könyv (Book of Verses) (translated by John M. Ridland and Peter V. Czipott) (2007)
Christine Marendon Subscribers only ‘Capable’ and Other Poems, translated by Ken Cockburn (2015)
Eleanor Margolies Subscribers only Three Poems (2003)
E.A. Markham Subscribers only Nellie in the Bread Room (1983)
Two Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2005)
Oliver Marlow Subscribers only There is a Path (1997)
Martial Subscribers only Poems (translated by Peter Whigham) (1984)
Subscribers only Six Poems translated from the Latin by Simon Smith (2006)
Subscribers only Epigrams translated by Brent Southgate (2014)
Rachel Martin Subscribers only Two Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2005)
David Mason Subscribers only Two Poems (1983)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2009)
Edwin Mason Subscribers only Poems (1993)
Jenny Mastoraki Subscribers only Poems (1986)
Harry Mathews Subscribers only Poems (1988)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2008)
John Matthias Subscribers only Seven Around A Revolution (1974)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1978)
Subscribers only Four Swedish Poets (1979)
Subscribers only from An East Anglian Miscellany (1979)
Subscribers only Poem for Cynouai (1979)
Subscribers only Words for Sir Thomas Browne (1983)
Subscribers only Rhododendron (1985)
Subscribers only Dedication to a Poem in Progress on the Pilgrim Routes to Santiago de Compostella (1990)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1991)
Subscribers only for D.D. in South Bend lecturing on 'Enlightenment and Christian Dissent': E.P. in Crawfordsville (1992)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1997)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1999)
Subscribers only She Maps Iraq (2004)
Nyla Matuk Subscribers only Two Poems (2014)
Subscribers only The Resistance (2020)
Clouds and Privilege (2020)
Charles Maude Subscribers only from 'Thieves of Time' (1983)
Subscribers only Les Baricades Misterieuses (1985)
Carol Mavor Subscribers only Mothball Moon (2016)
Glyn Maxwell Subscribers only Angel and Caroline (1987)
Three Poems (1990)
Becky May Subscribers only Two Poems (2024)
Derwent May Subscribers only The Dressing Gown (1979)
Leo Mayer Subscribers only Three Poems (2017)
Friedericke Mayröcker Subscribers only Sixteen Poems (translated by Richard Dove) (2004)
Subscribers only ‘curriculum vitae’ and Other Poems (2015)
Michèle Métail Subscribers only From Identikits (2021)
James Leo McAskill Subscribers only Three Poems (2017)
John McAuliffe Subscribers only Three Poems (2005)
Three Poems (2010)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2011)
Subscribers only Two Horatian Epistles (2018)
Subscribers only City of Trees (2019)
Subscribers only ‘Confessional’ and other poems (2020)
Patricia McCarthy Subscribers only Celtic Poetess (1985)
Penny McCarthy Subscribers only Catullus Translations (1989)
Subscribers only Burning (1994)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1997)
Thomas McCarthy Subscribers only ‘Largesse’ and other poems (2016)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2017)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2021)
Subscribers only Edith Sitwell’s Jacket (2023)
Gail McConnell Subscribers only Two Poems (2018)
Shane McCrae Subscribers only ‘He Takes Leave of the Sea’ and Other Poems (2021)
C.B. McCully Subscribers only Some say (1990)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1991)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2000)
Chris McCully Subscribers only Poems (1984)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Fourteen Poems (1995)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2005)
Subscribers only The Seafarer (2007)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Deor (2007)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2009)
Peter McDonald Subscribers only Four Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2004)
Subscribers only The Gnat (2005)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2006)
Subscribers only Hymn to Demeter (2009)
Subscribers only Hymn to Aphrodite (2012)
Jill McDonough Subscribers only from Habeas Corpus (2007)
James McGonigal Subscribers only 'I reach down one of your books I kept' (2011)
Gerry McGrath Subscribers only Eleven Poems (2006)
Subscribers only Notes from an Execution (2014)
Subscribers only ‘The People on the Lawn’ & Other Poems (2016)
James McGrath Subscribers only Two Poems (2014)
Medbh McGuckian Subscribers only Three Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2004)
Patrick McGuinness Subscribers only Pall Bearing (1995)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2002)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2004)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (2005)
Subscribers only The Thaw (2005)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2012)
Subscribers only Poems by Liviu Campanu, from The Ovid Complex (2015)
Subscribers only Mother as Spy (2019)
Ashley Anna McHugh Subscribers only Four Poems (2018)
Jamie McKendrick Subscribers only Two Poems (2024)
William Scott McKendry Subscribers only Some Poems (2023)
Michael McKimm Subscribers only Two Poems (2008)
Subscribers only Dr Saad Eskander (2011)
Maureen N. McLane Subscribers only Four Poems (2017)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2020)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2023)
Paul McLoughlin Subscribers only Time & Place (1985)
Subscribers only ‘The Hungarian Who Beat Brazil’ and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only Ritual (for Brian Jones) (2014)
Jennifer McMahon Subscribers only Two Poems (1983)
Subscribers only The English Melancholy (1984)
Subscribers only Modernist Verbs (1984)
Ian McMillan Subscribers only A Handbook of Suffolk Churches (1979)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1979)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1982)
Songs of Loss (1982)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Christine McNeill Subscribers only Two Poems (1991)
Andrew McNeillie Subscribers only Four Poems (1997)
Subscribers only Plato's Aviary (2002)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (2002)
Ghost Scenes (2003)
Subscribers only Arkwork (2004)
Subscribers only Hay Makar (2006)
Subscribers only The Sea, The Sea (2007)
Subscribers only Song in Winter (2008)
Subscribers only Machars: War & Peace (2012)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2016)
Allison McVety Subscribers only Two Poems (2009)
Clive McWilliam Subscribers only Two Poems (2013)
Matthew Mead Subscribers only Two Poems (1989)
Subscribers only 'The Flickering Shadow Stanzas' (1994)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Eleven Little Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2001)
Andrew Mears Subscribers only Two poems, one in verse, one in prose (2020)
Christoph Meckel Subscribers only Fragments translated by Christopher Middleton (1995)
Subscribers only Four Poems (translated by Christopher Middleton) (2011)
Paula Meehan Subscribers only Two Poems (2008)
Diane Mehta Subscribers only Two Poems (2023)
Richard Meier Subscribers only Three Poems (2002)
William Meissner Subscribers only Two Poems (1976)
Ernst Meister Subscribers only Poems (translated by Richard Dove) (1981)
Subscribers only Poems (1993)
Samuel Menashe Subscribers only Eight Poems (1980)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1981)
Mendoza and Nat Raha Subscribers only Blood Words As Niners (2021)
Rod Mengham Subscribers only Assange Militia' and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only ‘Knife’ and Other Prose Poems (2015)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2018)
Hilary Menos Subscribers only 'Shambles' and Other Poems (2012)
Paul Merchant Subscribers only Vesalius to Mercator: Three Letters (1990)
Michael Mesic Subscribers only Two Poems (1976)
Henri Michaux Subscribers only Five Poems (trans. Jane Draycott) (2017)
Dante Micheaux Subscribers only 'A Message to Telémakhos' and Other Poems (2013)
K. Michel Subscribers only Two Poems (translated by David Colmer) (2021)
James Michie Subscribers only Four Poems (2001)
Christopher Middleton Subscribers only Anasphere: le Torse Antique (1975)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1979)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1979)
Subscribers only Woden Dog (1980)
Subscribers only Rilke's Feet (1980)
Subscribers only Interim Report (1981)
Subscribers only Cabaret de la Canne, January 1855 (1981)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1983)
Subscribers only Eight Skips Around the Aura of Erato (1984)
Subscribers only Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Quasizeros: 21 miscellanous micro-poems (1985)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1986)
Subscribers only In Anatolia (1986)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1988)
Subscribers only A Huapango for Junius Avitus (1989)
Subscribers only La Morena (1989)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1991)
Skaters in The Luxembourg Gardens, 1909 (1992)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1992)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1993)
Subscribers only Ballad of the Putrefaction (1993)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1996)
Subscribers only De Saussure's Assured Ruse Garbled in an English Garden (1996)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Gelibolu (1999)
Subscribers only The Redbird Hexagon (1999)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2002)
Subscribers only Tableaux I-XX (2004)
Subscribers only Marienbad 1814 (2005)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2009)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2009)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2010)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2011)
Subscribers only Monostichs (2011)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2012)
Subscribers only ‘From the Reveries of a Gentleman’ and Other Poems (2015)
Stanley Middleton Subscribers only A Name Loosely Attached’ and Other Poems (2015)
Patrick Miles Subscribers only Emigration (2019)
Kei Miller Two Poems (2008)
Sometimes I consider the names of places (2019)
David Mills Subscribers only Three Poems (2003)
Paul Mills Subscribers only Three Poems (1974)
Subscribers only Impressions of Edinburgh (1975)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1977)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1978)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1978)
Subscribers only The Falcon (1978)
Subscribers only Keith's Wood (1979)
Subscribers only A Celtic Head (1980)
Subscribers only The Star Wall (1984)
Subscribers only Dancing Ledge (1988)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2021)
Drew Milne Subscribers only pylons & pyramids (2013)
John Kinsella and Drew Milne Subscribers only from 'Reactor Red Shoes' (2013)
Drew Milne Subscribers only spandrels (2016)
Subscribers only microtome sections (2017)
Subscribers only on Three Poems (2018)
Czeslaw Milosz Subscribers only Two Poems (1979)
Subscribers only The World: a naive poem (translated by Robert Hass and Robert Pinsky) (1982)
James Byrne, Maung Pyiyt Min, ko ko thett, and Moe Way Subscribers only Three Burmese Poets (2012)
Hsien Min Toh Subscribers only Three Poems (2018)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2022)
Joseph Minden Subscribers only ‘Souvenir’ and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only Headstones (2022)
Robert Minhinnick Subscribers only Five Poems (1997)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1998)
Subscribers only A Natural History of Saskatchewan (1998)
Subscribers only After the Hurricane (1999)
Subscribers only Twenty-Five Laments for Iraq (1999)
Subscribers only Elementary Songs (1999)
Subscribers only A Welshman's Flora (1999)
Subscribers only River Song (1999)
Subscribers only Questions of the Woman Who Fell (1999)
Subscribers only Songs for the Lugmen (2000)
Subscribers only Jack Kerouac Park (2000)
Subscribers only Samphire (2000)
Subscribers only The Ziggurat (2000)
Subscribers only The Porthcawl Preludes (2001)
Subscribers only Mr Multitude (2001)
Subscribers only From the Rock Pool (2001)
The Ghost Orchids of Berdun (2002)
Subscribers only Cefn Hirgoed (2002)
Subscribers only On Listening to Glenn Gould play Bach's Goldberg Variations (2003)
Subscribers only The Fairground Scholar (2003)
Subscribers only Madonna in Porthcawl (2004)
Subscribers only The Castaway (2004)
Subscribers only To Those on the Promontory (2004)
Subscribers only Section from 'Lives of the Saint' (2005)
Subscribers only The Saint of Tusker Rock (2006)
Subscribers only The Hourglass (2006)
Subscribers only Diary of the Last Man (2009)
Subscribers only The Sand Orchestra (2010)
Subscribers only Versions of Gaariye (2013)
Subscribers only From ‘The Atom Smashers’ (2014)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2018)
Subscribers only A History of Sunburn (2020)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2022)
Subscribers only The Baghdad Wolf (2023)
Ange Mlinko Subscribers only The Gates of Hell & other poems
Subscribers only Venice, Florida and other poems (2020)
Sarah Mnatzaganian Subscribers only Two Poems (2023)
John Mole Subscribers only from 'An Autumn Notebook' (1975)
Subscribers only Before the Storm (1975)
Subscribers only The Tales of Rover (1978)
Subscribers only The Double Agent (1981)
Michael Molnar Subscribers only An Afterword to Arkadii Dragomoshchenko (1986)
Martin Monahan Subscribers only Two Poems (2012)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2015)
Ian Monk Subscribers only From 14 × 14 (2021)
Eugenio Montale Subscribers only Fifteen Poems translated by Jonathon Galassi (1978)
Subscribers only Mottetti (translated by Henry Reed) (2008)
Janet Montefiore Subscribers only Two Poems (1995)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1997)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2013)
Duncan Montgomery Subscribers only Three Dead Kings (2013)
Subscribers only ‘1939’ and Other Poems (2014)
George Moor Subscribers only Five Poems (1980)
Fiona Moore Subscribers only Three Poems (2018)
Dom Moraes Subscribers only Five Poems (2001)
Subscribers only 'After the Operation' and Other Poems (2004)
Fabio Morábito Subscribers only Six Poems (2023)
Edwin Morgan Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Two Suites: 'The Poet, the Planxty, and the Bagatelle', 'Planet Wave' (1998)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Planet Wave Part 2 (2002)
Frederick Morgan Subscribers only Owl Poem (1974)
David Morley Subscribers only Kings (2006)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Hedgehurst (2009)
Horatio Morpurgo Subscribers only Three Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Life-Cycle of the Herring Gull (2020)
Sinéad Morrissey Subscribers only Three Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1995)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1995)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Lucidity (1997)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2001)
Subscribers only The State of the Prisons (2002)
On Omitting the Word 'Just' from my Vocabulary (2003)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2004)
Subscribers only China (2004)
Subscribers only Pilots (2005)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2009)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2009)
Four Poems (2012)
Subscribers only Daughter (2013)
Subscribers only 'Lighthouse' and Other Poems (2013)
Subscribers only Don Juan, 2012 (2013)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2016)
Subscribers only A Tourniquet for Emily Davison (2020)
Ruth Morse Subscribers only Lying Here Awake/You Already Knew (1985)
Brian Morton Subscribers only Violence (1984)
Subscribers only Now... the trees (2021)
Emmanuel Moses Subscribers only from the Mister Nobody Poems (translated by Marilyn Hacker) (2009)
Roger Moss Subscribers only Ve Ejog Boi (1990)
Stanley Moss Subscribers only In Front of a Poster of Garibaldi (1988)
Subscribers only For James Wright (1988)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1997)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2002)
Subscribers only An American Hero (2003)
Subscribers only From Ovidian Follies: Criton (2005)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2008)
Subscribers only Eight Poems (2009)
Subscribers only Ten Poems (2011)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2011)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2012)
Subscribers only ‘Burial of the Gravedigger’s Daughter’ and Other Poems (2015)
Subscribers only Gratitude (2016)
Subscribers only Water Music (2018)
Subscribers only For Laurence Olivier (2019)
Subscribers only Year (2022)
Subscribers only A Grieving Telescope (2024)
Subscribers only Nothingness (2024)
Andrew Motion Subscribers only Essex (1975)
Subscribers only A Dying Race (1978)
Subscribers only Before Company (1979)
Subscribers only The Pleasure Steamers (1979)
Subscribers only Patagonian Welsh (1982)
Subscribers only Leaving Belfast (1984)
Subscribers only No News from the Old Country (1984)
Subscribers only A Dying Race (1984)
Subscribers only Anne Frank Huis (1984)
Subscribers only One Life (1984)
Subscribers only Human Georgraphy (1984)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Gospel Stories (2012)
Michael Mott Subscribers only ‘Seferis Among the Agapanthus’ and Other Poems (2014)
John Muckle Subscribers only Martha and Mary (2004)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2017)
Subscribers only I Wake Up and other poems (2022)
Duncan Stewart Muir Subscribers only Two Poems (2013)
Paul Muldoon Subscribers only Long Finish (1998)
Subscribers only The Procedure (2003)
from 'Dirty Data' (2010)
Subscribers only Nothing On You (2015)
Subscribers only The Fly (2019)
Tim Murdoch Subscribers only Four Poems (2018)
Les Murray Subscribers only High River - for the marriage of Brian and Mary Davis (1990)
Subscribers only Presence: Translations from the Natural World (1991)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1992)
Subscribers only Crankshaft (1992)
Subscribers only 'The Middle Sea' (1993)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1993)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Barking at the Thunder (1994)
Subscribers only The Portrait Head (1994)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1995)
Subscribers only The Somatic Nobility: Book 3 (1996)
Subscribers only Lazarus Unstuck (1997)
Subscribers only The Police Revolution (1997)
Bottles in the Bombed City (1997)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1999)
Subscribers only The Images Alone (2000)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2000)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2003)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2004)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2008)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2010)
Subscribers only 'The Glory and Decline of Bread' and Other Poems (2013)
Subscribers only 'Tap Dogs' Music' and Other Poems (2013)
Subscribers only ‘The Black Beaches’ and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (2016)
Subscribers only Eight Poems (2017)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2018)
Subscribers only Bingham’s Ghost (2019)
Les A. Murray Equanimity (1982)
Subscribers only Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Physiognomy on the Savage Manning River (1985)
Subscribers only Roman Cage-cups (1986)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1986)
Subscribers only Poems (1986)
Subscribers only Infant among Cattle (1987)
Subscribers only When Bounty is Down to Persimmons and Lemons (1987)
Subscribers only At Thunderbolt's Grave in Uralla (1987)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1987)
Subscribers only The Transposition of Clermont (1988)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1989)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1989)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1990)
Togara Muzanenhamo Fourteen Poems (2001)
Subscribers only Nationalist Archives (2006)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2009)
Subscribers only ‘In the Music of Labour’ and Other Poems (2014)
Togara Muzanenhamo and Rory Waterman Subscribers only Burrs (2021)
Poems, Authors - M
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