Most Read... John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
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Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
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Joshua WeinerAn Exchange with Daniel Tiffany/Fall 2020
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
Next Issue Sinead Morrissey 'The Lightbox' Philip Terry 'What is Poetry' Ned Denny 'Nine Poems after Verlaine' Sasha Dugdale 'On learning that Russian mothers buy their soldier sons lucky belts inscribed with Psalm 90 to wear into battle' Rod Mengham 'Cold War Hot Air'
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PN Review Substack
Sorted by Reviewee... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Sorted by Reviewer... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Reviews, Reviewees - R
(Flowers of Perhaps: selected poems of Ra'hel, translated by Robert Friend)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Sacha Rabinovitch
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1984)
Anna Rabinowitz
(At the Site of Inside Out)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Henry (1998)
William Radice
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1981)
William Radice
(Louring Skies)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Míklós Radnóti
(The Witness, translated by Thomas Orszag Land)
Subscribers only reviewed by Deborah Mitchell (1979)
Simon Rae
(Soft Targets)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Séan Rafferty
(Collected Poems and Peacocks. Full Stop)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1997)
Craig Raine
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1985)
Craig Raine
(A Choice of Kipling's Prose, Selected with an introduction by Craig Raine)
Subscribers only reviewed by Phillip Mallett (1989)
Craig Raine
(Haydn and the Valve Trumpet)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1990)
Craig Raine
(History: The Home Movie)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Romer (1995)
Craig Raine
(A la recherche du temps perdu)
Subscribers only reviewed by John O'Donoghue (2001)
Kathleen Raine
(The Oracle in the Heart)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dennis Keene (1981)
Kathleen Raine
(The Inner Journey of the Poet)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1983)
Kathleen Raine
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1989)
Kathleen Raine
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Curry (2000)
Kathleen Raine
(W.B. Yeats and the Learning of the Imagination)
Subscribers only reviewed by Duncan Wu (2000)
Kathleen Raine
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2020)
Camille Ralphs
(After You Were, I am)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kirsten Norrie (2024)
A.K. Ramanujan
(Poems and a Novella)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2008)
Jay Ramsay
(Agistri Notebook)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
Deborah Randall
(White Eyes, Dark Ages)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1994)
Elaine Randell
(Faulty Mothering)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2011)
Jody Allen Randolph
(Eavan Boland (Contemporary Irish Writers))
Subscribers only reviewed by Belinder Cooke (2015)
Tessa Ransford
(Fools and Angels)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1985)
Tessa Ransford
(Medusa Dozen)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rennie Parker (1996)
R.Raj Rao
(Slide Show)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1994)
Vaughan Rapatahana
(te pāhikahikatanga / incommensurability)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Gallas (2023)
Frederic Raphael
(A Double Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Walden (1994)
Stephen Ratcliffe
(Campion: On Song)
Subscribers only reviewed by Clark Hulse (1982)
Steven Ratiner
(Giving Their Word: Conversations with Contemporary Poets. Edited by Steven Ratiner)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff (2004)
Arnold Rattenbury
(Dull Weather Dance)
Subscribers only reviewed by Glen Cavaliero (1982)
Arnold Rattenbury
(Morris Papers)
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Hobday (1996)
Vidyan Ravinthiran
Subscribers only reviewed by Adam Crothers (2015)
Vidyan Ravinthiran
(The Million-Petalled Flower of Being Here)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2019)
Tom Rawling
(Ghosts at My Back)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert Fraser (1984)
Tom Rawling
(The Names of the Sea-trout)
Subscribers only reviewed by Douglas Reid Skinner (1994)
Ben Raworth
(Active in Airtime #1, 2, 3, 4)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1996)
Tom Raworth
(Tottering State: Selected and New Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Geoffrey Ward (1985)
Tom Raworth
(tottering state, Selected Poems 1963-1987)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1989)
Tom Raworth
(Eternal Sections)
Subscribers only reviewed by Miles Champion (1994)
Tom Raworth
(Windmills in Flames: Old and New Poems)
reviewed by Marjorie Perloff (2010)
Joanna Rawson
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2011)
Vicki Raymond
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1993)
Maria Razumovsky
(Marina Tsvetaeva: a Critical Biography, translated by Aleksey Gibson)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Peter Reading
(Ukulele Music )
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Peter Reading
(Essential Reading and Stet)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (1987)
Peter Reading
(Final Demands)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Shelley (1988)
Peter Reading
(Last Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Fenella Copplestone (1995)
Yvonne Reddick
(Translating Mountains)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Yvonne Reddick
(Ted Hughes: Environmentalist and Ecopoet)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Troupes (2018)
Peter Redgrove
(From Every Chink Of The Ark)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Wilkins (1979)
Peter Redgrove
(The Weddings at Nether Power and Other New Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lawrence Sail (1980)
Peter Redgrove
(The Black Goddess and the Sixth Sense)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Cardinal (1989)
Peter Redgrove
(The First Earthquake)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1990)
Peter Redgrove
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Peter Redgrove
(My Father's Trapdoors)
Subscribers only reviewed by Will Eaves (1995)
Peter Redgrove
(Orchard End)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (1998)
Peter Redgrove
(Full of Star's Dreaming: Peter Redgrove, 1932-2003, edited by Rupert Loydell and Sheen)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2004)
John Redmond
(Poetry and Privacy: Questioning Public Interpretations of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry )
Subscribers only reviewed by David Spittle (2014)
Henry Reed
(Collected Poems, edited and introduced by Jon Stallworthy)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1992)
Jeremy Reed
(The Coastguard's House, English versions from the Italian of Eugenio Montale)
Subscribers only reviewed by Clive Watkins (1992)
Jeremy Reed
(Hymns to the Night, translated by Jeremy Reed with an introductory essay by David Gascoyne)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Eleanor Rees
(Andraste 's Hair)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeffrey Wainwright (2007)
Eleanor Rees
(Eliza and the Bear)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2010)
Deryn Rees-Jones
(Signs Round a Dead Body)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (1999)
Deryn Rees-Jones
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2005)
Deryn Rees-Jones
(And You, Helen)
Subscribers only reviewed by Judith Willson (2015)
Deryn Rees-Jones
Subscribers only reviewed by Heather Treseler (2019)
Richard Reeve
(Dialectic of Mud)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andy Brown (2002)
Gareth Reeves
(Gareth Reeves, T.S.Eliot: A Virgilian Poet)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1990)
Gareth Reeves
(Gareth Reeves and Michael O'Neill, The Thirties Poetry - Auden, MacNeice, Spender)
Subscribers only reviewed by Simon Kent (1993)
Padraig Regan
(Some Integrity)
Subscribers only reviewed by Maria Sledmere (2022)
Stephen Regan
(The Critics Debate - Philip Larkin)
Subscribers only reviewed by Simon Kent (1993)
Stephen Regan
(The Sonnet)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2020)
Christopher Reid
(Pea Soup)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1983)
Christopher Reid
(Katerina Brac)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Christopher Reid
(In the Echoey Tunnel)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Christopher Reid
(Not Funny Any More)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2020)
Christopher Reid
(A Scattering and Anniversary)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2020)
Christopher Reid
(The Late Sun)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2021)
Stuart Reid
(Ambiguities: Conflict and Union of Opposites in Robert Graves, Laura Riding, William Empson and Yvor Winters)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Latimer (2013)
Christa Reinig
(Christa Reinig, The Tight-Rope Walker, translated by Ruth and Matthew Mead)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Russell Reising
(The Unusable Past - Theory and the Study of American Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Christopher Walker (1987)
Ed Reiss
(Your Sort)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris Preddle (2011)
Jean-Claude Renard
(Notes Sur La Poésie)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Romer (1982)
Jean-Claude Renard
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1984)
Alfonso Reyes
(Miracle of Mexico: Poems, translated from the Spanish by Timothy Adès)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (2021)
Alfonso Reyes
(Miracle of Mexico)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (2021)
David S. Reynolds
(Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, edited by David S. Reynolds)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gregory Woods (2006)
Oliver Reynolds
(The Player Queen's Wife)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1988)
Oliver Reynolds
(The Oslo Tram)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1991)
Charles Reznikoff
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Hardy (2008)
Kate Rhodes
Subscribers only reviewed by Julie Mullaney (2006)
Alan Riach
(Hugh MacDiarmid's Epic Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by R.J. Caldwell (1992)
Alan Riach
(First and Last Songs)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1998)
Alan Riach
(Representing Scotland in Literature, Popular Culture and Iconography: The Masks of the Modern Nation)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Robertson (2007)
Alan Riach
(Homecoming: New Poems 2001–2009)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carl MacDougall (2010)
Adrienne Rich
(Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi and Albert Gelpi (Eds.), Adrienne Rich's Poetry: Texts of the Poems, The Poet on Her Work, Reviews and Criticism)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eric Homberger (1977)
Adrienne Rich
(An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-91)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1992)
Adrienne Rich
(The Best American Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
Adrienne Rich
(Arts of the Possible: Essays and Conversations)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andy Brown (2002)
Adrienne Rich
(The School Among the Ruins)
Subscribers only reviewed by Helena Nelson (2006)
Adrienne Rich
(The School among the Ruins: Poems 2000-2004)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vicki Bertram (2006)
Adrienne Rich
(Telephone Ringing in the Labyrinth)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2010)
Adrienne Rich
(Tonight No Poetry Will Serve. Poems, 2007-2010)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2011)
Adrienne Rich
(Poetry and Prose, ed. Albert Gelpi, Barbara Charlesworth Gelpi and Brett C. Millier)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2018)
Christopher Ricks
(True Friendship. Geoffrey Hill, Anthony Hecht, and Robert Lowell Under the Sign of Eliot and Pound )
Subscribers only reviewed by Matías Serra Bradford (2011)
Edgell Rickword
(Behind the Eyes, Collected Poems and Translations)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1978)
Edgell Rickword
(Literature in Society: Essays and Opinions (II) 1931-78, edited by Alan Young)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1980)
Laura Riding
(Selected Poems: in Five Sets by Laura Riding)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Jacobs (1980)
Laura Riding
(First Awakenings: The Early Poems, edited by Elizabeth Friedmann, Alan J. Clark and Robert Nye)
Subscribers only reviewed by Helen Carr (1993)
Laura Riding
(A Selection of the Poems, edited by Robert Nye)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1994)
Anne Ridler
(A Measure of English Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1992)
Anne Ridler
Subscribers only reviewed by Grevel Lindop (2005)
Oktay Rifat
(Voices of Memory: Selected Poems of Oktay Rifat, translated by Ruth Christie and Richard McKane)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Kirkup (1994)
Michael Riffaterre
(Semiotics of Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1981)
Denise Riley
(Mop Mop Georgette)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Herd (1995)
Denise Riley
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2001)
Denise Riley
Subscribers only reviewed by Declan Ryan (2022)
John Riley
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1997)
Peter Riley
(Tracks and Mineshafts and Two Essays)
Subscribers only reviewed by Geoffrey Ward (1984)
Peter Riley
(Alstonefield and Distant Points)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1998)
Peter Riley
(A Meeting for Douglas Oliver and 27 Uncollected Poems, edited by Peter Riley and Wendy Mulford)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (2003)
Peter Riley
(Alstonefield and Aria with Small Lights)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2004)
Peter Riley
(The Dance at Mociu)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2004)
Peter Riley
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2005)
Peter Riley
(The Glacial Stairway)
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Dixon (2012)
Peter Riley
(Pennine Tales)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kelvin Corcoran (2017)
Rainer Maria Rilke
(Selected Poems, translated from the German and Commentary by Robert Bly )
Subscribers only reviewed by Raymond Hargreaves (1982)
Rainer Maria Rilke
(Duino Elegies, translated by Stephen Cohn)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hofmann (1990)
Rainer Maria Rilke
(Orchard, translated by Peter Oram and Alex Barr and Selected Poems, new translation by Susan Ranson and Marielle Southerland)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Shanks (2012)
Rainer Maria Rilke
(New Poems translated by Len Krisak)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jack Hanson (2016)
Arthur Rimbaud
(A Season in Hell and other Poems. Translated by Norman Cameron, with a preface by Michael Hamburger)
Subscribers only reviewed by Cecily Mackworth (1995)
Arthur Rimbaud
(Illuminations: translated with a preface by John Ashbery)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Creasy (2012)
Arthur Rimbaud
(The Poems, bilingual edition edited, introduced and translated by Oliver Bernard )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Taylor (2013)
Luise Rinser
(Prison Journal, translated by Michael Hulse)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Guest (1989)
Maurice Riordan
Subscribers only reviewed by Julian Stannard (2001)
Maurice Riordan
(The Water Stealer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rebecca Watts (2014)
Alesander Ristovic
(Devil's Lunch, translated by Charles Simic)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2000)
Yannis Ritsos
(Subterranean Horses, translated by Minas Savvas)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Stoneman (1983)
Yannis Ritsos
(Exile and Return, translated by Edmund Keeley)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1990)
Yannis Ritsos
(The Fourth Dimension, translated and introduced by Peter Green and Beverly Bardsley)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (1994)
Yannis Ritsos
Subscribers only reviewed by Rowland Bagnall (2023)
M.V.B. Riviere
(Late in the Day)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Michael Riviere
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1985)
Sam Riviere
(81 Austerities)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Hayden (2013)
Sam Riviere
(Conflicted Copy)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hal Coase (2025)
Rakhshan Rizwan
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2019)
E.M. Roach
(The Flowering Rock)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1994)
Alain Robbe-Grillet
(The Erasers)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Hazeldine (1988)
Michael Robbins
( Alien vs. Predator)
Subscribers only reviewed by Adam Crothers (2013)
Michael Roberts
(Selected Poems and Prose, ed. Frederick Grubb)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1981)
Michael Roberts
(T. E. Hulme)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Crowther (1983)
Michael Symmons Roberts
(Raising Sparks)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (1999)
Michael Symmons Roberts
(Burning Babylon)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2002)
Michael Symmons Roberts
Subscribers only reviewed by John Dennison (2013)
Michael Symmons Roberts
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Spittle (2016)
Michael Symmons Roberts
(Deaths of the Poets)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2017)
Michael Symmons Roberts
Subscribers only reviewed by Hilary Davies (2018)
Michael Symmons Roberts
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Dixon (2022)
Michèle Roberts
(The Visitation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carol Shergold (1985)
Michèle Roberts
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1991)
Michèle Roberts
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Neil Roberts
(Ted Hughes: A Critical Study - with Terry Gifford)
Subscribers only reviewed by Elizabeth Waltheer (1982)
Neil Roberts
(Ted Hughes: A Literary Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Wood (2008)
Tony Roberts
(Flowers of the Hudson Bay)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Parfitt (1992)
Eric Robertson
(Blaise Cendrars: The Invention of Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Little (2023)
Robin Robertson
(The Long Take)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Challis (2018)
Robin Robertson
(Grimoire )
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2021)
Alan Robinson
(Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Crick (1990)
Anna Robinson
(The Finders of London)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vidyan Ravinthiran (2011)
E.A. Robinson
(The Poetry of E.A. Robinson, Selected and with an Introduction and Notes by Robert Mezey)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ben Sonnenberg (1999)
Ian Robinson
(Prayers for the New Babel: a criticism of the Church of England Alternative Service Book 1980 )
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1983)
Jack Robinson
(by the same author)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Peter Robinson
(Overdrawn Account)
reviewed by Eric Griffiths (1984)
Peter Robinson
(This Other Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Shelley (1988)
Peter Robinson
(Entertaining Fates)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1993)
Peter Robinson
(About Time Too)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2001)
Peter Robinson
(Ravishing Europa)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Dooley (2019)
W.W. Robson
(The Definition of Literature and other Essays)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1983)
Patsy Rodenburg
(The Need for Words: Voice And The Text, with a foreword by Antony Sher)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1995)
Allan Rodway
(The Craft of Criticism)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1983)
Theodore Roethke
(Selected Poems, edited by Edward Hirsch)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeffrey Meyers (2006)
Mercedes Roffé
(Like the Rains Come)
Subscribers only reviewed by Trevor Barnett (2009)
Jane Rogers
(The Ice is Singing)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lyn Webster (1989)
Neil Rollinson
(Spanish Fly)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Redmond (2002)
Stephen Romer
(Plato's Ladder)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1993)
Stephen Romer
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (1999)
Stephen Romer
(Twentieth Century French Poems, edited by Stephen Romer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick Quinn (2002)
Stephen Romer
(Yellow Studio)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2009)
Rupert Roopnaraine
(Suite for Supriya)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1994)
Dilys Rose
(Stone the Crows)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2020)
Jacqueline Rose
(The Haunting of Sylvia Plath)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eavan Boland (1991)
Catie Rosemurgy
(The Stranger Manual)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2011)
Isaac Rosenberg
(Poetry out of My Own Heart - Unpublished Letters, edited by Jean Liddiard)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2008)
Jean-Pierre Rosnay
(I Have Invented Nothing)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ross Cogan (2021)
Alan Ross
(After Pusan)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1996)
Alan Ross
(Winter Sea)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Bland (1998)
Felicity Rosslyn
(Pope's Iliad, a Selection, edited by Felicity Rosslyn)
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Tomlinson (1986)
Felicity Rosslyn
(Tragic Plots: A New Reading from Aeschylus to Lorca, Studies in European Cultural Transition, Volume 9 )
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (2001)
Wendy Rosslyn
(The prince, the fool and the nunnery: religion and love in the early poetry of Anna Akhmatova)
reviewed by John Pilling (1984)
Murray Roston
(Sixteenth-century English Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Fraser Steel (1984)
Joseph Roth
(Tarabas, translated from the German by Winifred Katzin)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1989)
Joseph Roth
(The Spider's Web and Zipper and his Father, translated from the German by John Hoare)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1989)
Jerome Rothenberg
(Retrievals: Uncollected & New Poems 1955-2010)
Subscribers only reviewed by Scott Thurston (2012)
Eric Rothstein
(Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Poetry 1660-1780, Volume 3 of 'The Routledge History of English Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Clarke (1982)
Jacques Roubaud
(Some Thing Black, translated by Rosmarie Waldrop)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Anne Rouse
(Sunset Grill)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
Anne Rouse
(Sunset Grill and Timing)
Subscribers only reviewed by John O'Donoghue (2001)
Raymond Roussel
(Selections from Certain of his Books, Translated by John Ashbery, Harry Mathews, Martin Sorrell and Antony Melville)
Subscribers only reviewed by Miles Champion and Matthew Hodges (1992)
Albert Rowe
(The Boy and the Painter: Scenes from Alfred Wallis's St Ives)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Oldham (2004)
Elisabeth Rowe
(Surface Tension)
Subscribers only reviewed by James McGrath (2005)
John Rowlands
(Profiles: a visitor's guide to writing in twentieth-century Wales)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (1982)
Claude Royet-Journoud
(Four Elemental Bodies, translated from the French by Keith Waldrop )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Taylor (2013)
Tadeusz Różewicz
Subscribers only reviewed by Deborah Mitchell (1979)
Tadeusz Różewicz
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1983)
Tadeusz Różewicz
(They Came to See a Poet: Selected Poems . Revised and enlarged edition. Translated by Adam Czerniawski)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris Miller (2005)
Mark Rudman
(Sundays on the Phone)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2006)
Anthony Rudolf
(At An Uncertain Hour: Primo Levi's war against oblivion)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1991)
Ivan Ruff
(Dead Reckoning)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marghanita Laski (1987)
Carol Rumens
(Unplayed Music)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1981)
Carol Rumens
(Star Whisper)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Tuohy (1984)
Carol Rumens
(Scenes from the Gingerbread House)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1984)
Carol Rumens
(Thinking of Skins: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1994)
Carol Rumens
(Best China Sky)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1996)
Carol Rumens
(Poems 1968-2004)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sasha Dugdale (2006)
Carol Rumens
(Self into Song)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gavin Hudson (2007)
Carol Rumens
(De Chirico's Threads)
Subscribers only reviewed by Emma Hogan (2012)
Carol Rumens
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2019)
(The Masnavi, Book 1, translated by Jawid Mojaddedi)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eric Ormsby (2006)
Peter Russell
(Quintilii Apocalypseos Fragmenta)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Merchant (1988)
Maurice Rutherford
(Love is a Four-Letter Word)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Blyth (1995)
Maurice Rutherford
(And Saturday Is Christmas )
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (2013)
Declan Ryan
(Faber New Poets 12)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2015)
Declan Ryan
(Fighters, Losers)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (2021)
Declan Ryan
(Crisis Actor)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hilary Menos (2024)
Gig Ryan
(The Last Interior)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
Martin Ryle
(To Relish the Sublime? Culture and Self-realization in Postmodern Times)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Rawson (2003)
Sorted by Reviewee... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Sorted by Reviewer... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Reviews, Reviewees - R
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