Rachel Hadas
on Lloyd Schwartz and Jay Parini (1983)
on Edmund Keeley's Voice & Myth in Modern Greek Poetry (1985)
Andrew Hadfield
on Luis de Góngora (2008)
on Isaac Rosenberg (2009)
on Cavalcanti, Dante, and the Classics in Modern Poetry (2011)
on Stephen Greenblatt (2012)
on Lavinia Greenlaw (2015)
on The Song of Roland (2017)
on Clifton, Berry & Stevenson (2017)
on The English Lyric Tradition (2017)
on Fastness (2018)
on John Greening (2018)
On Phillis Wheatley's Life (2021)
on Rachel Eisendrath (2022)
on Edwin & Willa Muir (2023)
John Haffenden
on The Movement (1980)
Sean Haldane
on Georg Heym (2005)
Alan Halsey
on Christopher Dewdney (1982)
J. H. Prynne's 'Poems' (1983)
on Brian Coffey (1984)
Michael Hamburger
on Yeats: The Memoirs (1973)
Wolf Biermann (1979)
A. R. Ammons (1979)
on Ronald Taylor's 'Literature & Society in Germany' (1981)
on Joachim Maass' Kleist (1984)
on Brecht (1984)
on J.F. Hendry's 'Rilke' (1984)
on Ernst Pawel's Kafka (1985)
on In these Great Times: A Karl Kraus Reader (1985)
on Günter Grass (1987)
on Idris Parry (1989)
on Heine's Lazarus Poems (1990)
on Geoffrey Hill (1991)
on A Companion to 20th-Century German Literature (1992)
on G.F. Dutton's Harvesting the Edge (1995)
Gerald Hammond
on Gabriel Josipovici (1989)
Lynne Hancock and Lyndal Roper
on Women & the Renaissance (1989)
Michael Hanke
on Michael Hamburger's versions of Rilke (1982)
Sophie Hannah
on Helen Kitson, Freda Downie, Matt Simpson, Stewart Conn (1995)
on Kit Wright (2001)
on Glyn Maxwell and Gillian Allnutt (2001)
on Wendy Cope (2011)
James Hansford
on Garbiel Josipovici (1986)
Clare Hanson
on Dale Spender (1987)
on ICA Videos (1987)
on Danish Women's Writing (1989)
on Virginia Woolf (1989)
Jack Hanson
Len Krisak’s Rilke (2016)
Adrian Hardwick
on lives of Beckett (1998)
Edmund Hardy
on Thomas Bernhard (2006)
on Charles Reznikoff (2008)
Raymond Hargreaves
on Hans Magnus Enzensberger's recent books (1981)
on Robert Bly's Selected Rilke (1982)
on Peter Huchel (2007)
Claire Harman
on Antony Alper's 'Life' of Katherine Mansfield (1981)
on Sylvia Townsend Warner's Letters (1983)
on the Life of Charlotte Mew (1985)
Oliver Harris
on 'Ham on Rye' (1986)
on Malcolm Bradbury (1988)
on Denton Welch (1988)
on Richard Francis (1989)
on William Burroughs (1989)
T.J.G. Harris
on Japanese Poetry (1982)
on 'Kokinshu' (1985)
on Japanese Poetry (1986)
on Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan (1986)
on 'The Art of Noh Drama' (1986)
on Renga Hyakuin (1988)
on Ancient Chinese Poetry (1989)
on Styles, Visions and Seriousness (1989)
on Marko the Prince (1989)
on Kathleen Raine, Thomas Blackburn et al (1989)
on Hughes, Redgrove and Tomlinson (1990)
on Sorley Maclean (1990)
on John Lucas and John Whitworth (1990)
on David Constantine (1990)
On Michael O'Neill, Robert Crawford, Simon Armitage, Peter Sansom and Alan Jenkins (1990)
on Seamus Heaney (1990)
on Jamie McKendrick, John Wilkinson, Paul Green, Desmond Graham and Humphrey Clucas (1991)
on R.S Thomas (1991)
on James Schuyler (1991)
on John Montague (1991)
on D.J. Enright (1991)
on Ciaran Carson, Aonghas MacNeacail, Matt Simpson (1991)
on Derek Walcott (1991)
on Michael Hulse, Glyn Maxwell and Andrew Motion (1991)
on Sarah Maguire, Gerald Woodward, Hugo Williams, D.J. Enright, Vernon Scanell and Medieval Welsh Erotic Poetry (1992)
on Brendan Kennelly, Michael Palmer and Sean O'Brien (1992)
on Basil Bunting (1992)
on Roger Garfitt, Maura Dooley, Robert Welch, Lachlan Mackinnon, Chris Bendon and Tony Harrison (1992)
on Seamus Heaney and Bernard O' Donoghue (1992)
on Ivor Gurney (1992)
on Carol Ann Duffy, Colin Falck, Pauline Stainer and Sheenagh Pugh (1993)
on Czeslaw Milosz and Three English Poets (1993)
on Hamish Henderson and Vagn Holmboe (1993)
on Christopher Middleton (1993)
on Eric Gill & David Jones at Capel-y-ffin (1993)
on the Kanteletar and Serbian Women's Songs (1994)
on Saunders Lewis and Idris Davies (1994)
on Norm Sibum, Michael Hofmann, Chris McCully and Keith Chandler (1994)
on Tom Scott (1994)
on Oral Poetry in the Finno-Ugrian Languages (1995)
on Patsy Rodenburg's The Need for Words (1995)
on Michael Pennington (1997)
on Edward Bond (1998)
on William Shakespeare (1999)
on Japanese Humour (2003)
on Instant Shakespeare (2003)
on The Great Poets (Naxos Audio Books) (2009)
Timothy Harris
on A. N. Wilson's Milton (1983)
on Tales of Days Gone By (2003)
on Anthony Barnett (2013)
on Peter Makin (2016)
on Genzō Sarashina (2020)
Bernard Harrison
on Aharon Appelfeld (1988)
Henry Hart
on Richard Kenney (1985)
Sidney Hart
on Toby Barlow (2008)
Stephe M. Hart
on Miguel Angel Asturias (1989)
Sara Haslam
on Ford Madox Ford's and Caroline Gordon's Letters (2000)
Miriam Hastings
on Mimi Khalvati (1992)
Ruth Hawthorn
on Stephen Burt's take on Adolescence (2008)
on the Bishop-Lowell Letters (2009)
Berryman's Schwartz (2010)
on American Poets of World War II (2011)
on The Grief of Influence (2012)
on Letter Writing among Poets (2017)
on Robert Lowell (2018)
David Hayden
on Sam Riviere (2013)
Peter Hazeldine
on Robertson Davies (1986)
on Dermot Healey (1987)
on Claude Simon and Alain Robbe-Grillet (1988)
on Roy Fuller (1988)
on Simone Weil (1989)
on John Fante (1989)
on Mario Vargas Llosa (1989)
Adam Heardman
on Sinéad Morrisey (2018)
J.R. Hellier
on Barry Smart and Dana Gioia (1994)
A.A. Hendley
on Andrew Young (1986)
Brian Henry
on John Burnside (1997)
on Joyce Carol Oates, Bruce Beasley, Jill Bialosky (1998)
on James Galvin (1998)
on Frank Kuppner (1998)
on Alfred Corn (1998)
on Paul Jenkins (1998)
on Anna Rabinowitz (1998)
on Amy Clampitt (1999)
on John Forbes, Andrew Sant, Fay Zwicky, Jean Kent and Peter Bakowski (1999)
Geoffrey Heptonstall
on Colin Burrows (2023)
W.N. Herbert
on John Burnside (1992)
on Indian Anthologies (2001)
David Herd
on Peter Didsbury, Denise Riley, Charles Madge and Graham Fulton (1995)
on Jess (2013)
David Herman
on Lev Ozerov (2019)
Ben Hickman
on Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (2008)
on Simon Smith (2011)
on Robert Sheppard (2012)
on Peter Gizzi (2014)
on Peter Gizzi (2020)
Darrell Hinchcliffe
on Geoffrey Hattersley and Glyn Maxwell (1996)
Deirdre Hines
on Eileen Sheehan (2020)
Josh Hinton
on Peter Bland, Dai George and Christine McNeill (2015)
on Shakespeare in America, edited by James Shapiro (2015)
on Taplin's Sophocles (2015)
Kim Hjelmgaard
on Billy Collins (2002)
Charles Hobday
on Eric Sam's The Real Shakespeare (1995)
on Arnold Rattenbury (1996)
on Robert Greacen (1996)
on Jack Beeching (1997)
Matthew Hodges
on Modern French Poetry (1992)
Miles Champion and Matthew Hodges
on Raymond Roussel (1992)
Matthew Hodges
on Gabriel Josipovici's Text and Voice (1993)
on The Fabulists French (1994)
Michael Hofmann
on Robert Penn Warren, Anne Stevenson, Reginald Gibbons, John Yau, George Starbuck, Barry Spacks, Harvey Mudd (1983)
on Frederick Seidel, Philip Levine, Galway Kinnell, Florence Elon and Charles Bukowski (1986)
on Rainer Maria Rilke (1990)
Emma Hogan
on Carol Rumens and Lawrence Sail (2012)
Alan Holden
on Keith Jebb's A E Housman (1992)
David Holloway
on Philip Rahv and Frank Bidart (1981)
Robin Holloway
Setting Geoffrey Hill to Music (1985)
Dane Holt
on Ben Lerner (2024)
Eric Homberger
on Adrienne Rich (1977)
on the Plath Letters (1977)
Stuart Hood
on Robert Tracy's Mandelstam (1981)
Jeremy Hooker
Gillian Clarke and Ruth Bidgood (1979)
Helen Thomas (1979)
on Philip Owens (1980)
on Ted Walker (1983)
on Frances Horovitz (1983)
on Welsh Literature (1987)
on Geoffrey Hill (1988)
on Welsh Poetry (1988)
on Welsh Poetry (1989)
on The Wreck of the Deutschland (1989)
on David Jones (1991)
on Islwyn Jenkins and The Welsh Connection (1991)
on Stephen Fredman's The Grounding of American Poetry (1995)
on Anne Cluysenaar (1998)
on Andrew Jordan (1998)
on Les Arnold (2000)
on Margaret Lloyd and Andrew Jordan (2007)
on John Matthias (2024)
Avril Horner
on Anna Wickham (1985)
Heather Glen, 'Vision and Disenchantment' (1985)
on Howard Nemerov (1986)
on 'Betjeman Country' (1986)
on the Faber Book of Twentieth-Century Women's Poetry (1987)
on Geoffrey Hill (1987)
on Satyamurti & Lesbian Poetry (1989)
on Feminism and Poetry (1989)
on Paul Muldoon & Richard Kell (1989)
Simon Howard
on John Ashbery (1982)
Andrew Howdle
on HD's 'End to Torment' (1981)
on Donald Davie's 'Three for Water-Music' (1982)
on HD's 'Hedylus' (1982)
on Italian Futurist Poetry (1982)
Peter Howe
on Leo Aylen and Derek Stanford (1981)
Anthony Howell
on Hugo Williams and Alan Jenkins (2000)
on Chloe Chard (2000)
Shengchi Hsu
on Martyn Crucefix’s Daodejing (2017)
Gavin Hudson
on Carol Rumens, James Berry and Jack Mapanje (2007)
Peter Hughes
on R. F. Langley’s Complete Poems (2016)
on Rod Mengham (2016)
Clark Hulse
on Stephen Ratcliffe's Campion (1982)
Michael Hulse
on Paul Fussell's ' Abroad' (1981)
on Vicki Feaver, Carol Rumens, David Sweetman and Peter Porter (1981)
on Poems of Hate (1982)
on George Macbeth, Alastair Fowler and Vernon Scannell (1982)
on John Haffenden's 'Poets in Conversation' (1982)
on Randall Jarrell (1982)
on Charles Boyle (1983)
on Christopher Reid (1983)
on George MacBeth (1984)
on Alan Brownjohn (1984)
on D.M. Thomas (1984)
on Michael Hofmann (1984)
on Newfoundland and other Canadian Poets (1985)
on Elizabeth Smither, Ian Wedde, C.K. Stead (1985)
on Craig Raine (1985)
on Derek Walcott and E. A. Markham (1985)
on Frank Kuppner (1985)
on Margaret Atwood (1985)
John Hollander (1985)
on 'The Assault' and 'The German Lesson' (1986)
on Irving Layton (1986)
on Australian Poetry (1986)
on Chris Wallace-Crabbe, Ken Taylor, John A. Scott, John Millett, (1986)
on Bill Manhire, C.K. Stead, Kevin Ireland and Albert Wendt (1986)
on Al Purdy, David Day, Roger Nash, Roger Finch, Mark Frutkin and Anne Szumigalski (1986)
on Mark O'Connor, Gary Catalano, Cornelis Vleeskens (1986)
on Robin Hyde (1987)
on Paul Theroux (1987)
on Australian Poetry (1987)
on Australian fiction (1987)
on Mark O'Connor (1987)
on Peter Handke (1987)
on A.D. Hope and Les A. Murray (1987)
on Canadian Poets (1987)
on Commonwealth Fiction (1988)
on C.J. Koch (1988)
New England Poetry (1988)
on Witi Ihimaera (1988)
on Hans Christoph Bach and Joseph Roth (1989)
on Joseph Roth and Aharon Appelfeld (1989)
on Canadian poetry (1989)
on James McAuley & Vivian Smith (1989)
on Amos Tutuola (1989)
on Shields, Bissoondath, Hulme (1989)
on Allen Curnow and Lauris Edmond (1990)
on Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Yuz Aleshkovsky (1990)
on Reading Modern Poetry (1990)
on Miriam Waddington, Clifton Whiten, Victor Coleman and Bill Griffiths (1990)
on Craig Raine (1990)
on G. Cabrera Infante (1990)
on Kevin Crossley-Holland (1991)
on Tu Fu, Jean Arasanayagam, Sudeep Sen and Ashok Mahajan (1991)
on Gavin Ewart (1991)
on Arab Odes, African Poetry, & Syl Cheney-Coker (1991)
on Michael Ondaatje, Roo Borson, Jan Zwicky, Margaret Christakos, Bruce Whiteman, Darko R. Suvin, Barry Callaghan, Bruce Meyer, Margaret Atwood (1991)
on Dorothy Hewett and Les Murray (1991)
on Günter Eich (1992)
on Phyllis Webb, Mary di Michele, Anne Michaels, Kim Maltman and Gary Geddes (1992)
on David Malouf, Peter Goldsworthy, Jan Owen, S.K. Kelen, John Kinsella and Sudesh Mishra (1993)
on John Forbes, S.K. Kelen, John Kinsella, Eluned Lloyd, Gary Maller, Anna Cameron, Maria Fresta (1994)
on Kendrick Smithyman, Hubert Witheford, Peter Bland, Anne French and Andrew Johnston (1994)
on A.D. Hope, Geoffrey Lehmann, Geoff Page, Mark O'Connor, Laurie Duggan and Lynn Hard (1994)
on Selima Hill, Rhona McAdam and John Gallas (1995)
on Alan Ross (1996)
on Jeffrey Harrison (2007)
Spencer Hupp
on Frederick Seidel (2024)
Rebecca Hurst
On Valzhyna Mort (2022)
on Fiona Benson & Zaffar Kunial (2023)
Alexander Hutchison
on David Kinloch (2012)
on Peter McCarey’s Find an Angel and Pick a Fight (2014)