Most Read... John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
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Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
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Joshua WeinerAn Exchange with Daniel Tiffany/Fall 2020
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
Next Issue Sinead Morrissey 'The Lightbox' Philip Terry 'What is Poetry' Ned Denny 'Nine Poems after Verlaine' Sasha Dugdale 'On learning that Russian mothers buy their soldier sons lucky belts inscribed with Psalm 90 to wear into battle' Rod Mengham 'Cold War Hot Air'
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Sorted by Reviewer... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Reviews, Reviewees - L
La Fontaine
(100 Fables, bilingual edition with translations by Francis Scarfe)
Subscribers only reviewed by Glyn Pursglove (1986)
Abdellatif Laâbi
(In Praise of Defeat: Poems Selected by the Author, translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith (No Cover Image) )
Subscribers only reviewed by Leslie Bell (2017)
Abdellatif Laâbi
(In Praise of Defeat: Poems Selected by the Author, translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith (No Cover Image) )
Subscribers only reviewed by Leslie Bell (2017)
Djanet Lachmet
(Lallia, translated by Judith Still)
Subscribers only reviewed by Raymond Tallis (1988)
William R. LaFleur
(The Karma of Words. Buddhism and the Literary Arts in Medieval Japan)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1986)
Jules Laforgue
(Oeuvres Complétes, tome 2: Textes établis et annotes par Maryke de Courten, Jean-Louis Debauve, Pierre-Olivier Walzer, avec la collaboration de David Arkell)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Arkell (1996)
Nick Laird
(To a Fault)
Subscribers only reviewed by Will Stone (2005)
Nick Laird
(Go Giants)
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2013)
Nick Laird
(Up Late)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Sanderson (2023)
Ivan V. Lalić
(The Works of Love, tr. Francis R. Jones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Bird (1983)
Ivan V. Lalić
(The Passionate Measure translated by Francis R. Tones)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1990)
Bernhard Lang
(Heaven, A History)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1990)
V.R. 'Bunny' Lang
(The Miraculous Season: Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mae Losasso (2024)
James Langer
(Gun Dogs)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2009)
R.F. Langley
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Welton (2000)
R.F. Langley
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Elizabeth Eger (2003)
R.F. Langley
(Complete Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Hughes (2016)
Ruth Larbey
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2012)
Sam Larcombe
(First Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Waterman (1978)
Philip Larkin
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1987)
Philip Larkin
(Poems: Selected by Martin Amis)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2012)
Philip Larkin
(Complete Poems, edited by Archie Burnett)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2012)
Philip Larkin
(The Importance of Elsewhere: Philip Larkin’s Photographs)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (2016)
Philip Larkin
(Philip Larkin: Letters Home, 1936– 1977, ed. James Booth)
Subscribers only reviewed by Joe Carrick-Varty (2019)
James Lasdun
(The Revenant)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Sansom (1995)
Michael Laskey
(Thinking of Happiness)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tess Lewis (1992)
Michael Laskey
(Permission to Breathe)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2005)
John Latham
(Unpacking Mr Jones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Bird (1984)
John Latham
(From The Other Side of The Street)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (1986)
Alex Latter
(Late Modernism and The English Intelligencer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2015)
James Laughlin
(The Collected Poems, with an introduction by Hayden Carruth)
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Tomlinson (1995)
Sarah Law
(The Lady Chapel)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vivienne Neale (2004)
D.H. Lawrence
(Sea and Sardinia)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Whitehead (1998)
Faith Lawrence
(Sleeping Through)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2019)
Peter Lawson
(Passionate Renewal: Jewish Poetry in Britain Since 1945 - An Anthology, edited by Peter Lawson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (2002)
Irving Layton
(The Gucci Bag and The Love Poems of Irving Layton)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1986)
Radmila Lazic
(A Wake for the Living , translated by Charles Simic)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2005)
Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
(Montaillou, Cathars and Catholics in a French village, 1294-1324, translated by Barbara Bray )
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Bann (1979)
Bronwyn Lea
(The Best Australian Poetry 2003, edited by Bronwyn Lea and Martin Duwell)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard King (2004)
Mary Leader
(Red Signature)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1998)
Mary Leader
(Beyond the Fire)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2011)
Benjamin Lease
(Anglo-American Encounters: England and the Rise of American Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1983)
F.R. Leavis
(Reading Out Poetry and 'Eugenio Montale: A Tribute, with the 'Proceedings of a Commemorative Symposium on Leavis held at The Queen's University of Belfast)
reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1982)
F.R. Leavis
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1997)
Brian Lee
(Theory and Personality: The Significance of T. S. Eliot's Criticism)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Levy (1981)
David Lehman
(The Best American Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
David Lehmann
(The Daily Mirror)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2000)
David Lehmann
(New and Selected Poems and Poems in the Manner Of)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2019)
Geoffrey Lehmann
(Children's Games)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1994)
John Lehmann
(Poems New and Selected)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Levi (1986)
Sue Leigh
(Chosen Hill)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jennifer Edgecombe (2019)
Angela Leighton
(Hearing Things: The Work of Sound in Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2018)
Eino Leino
(Whitsongs, translated by Keith Bosley )
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Michael Leiris
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1991)
Sharon Leiter
(Akhmatova's Petersburg)
reviewed by John Pilling (1984)
Sue Lenier
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Siegfried Lenz
(The German Lesson, translated from the German by Ernst Kaiser and Eithne Wilkins)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1986)
Tom Leonard
(Radical Renfrew)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1991)
Tom Leonard
(outside the narrative: Poems 1965-2009)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyon (2010)
Giacomo Leopardi
(Moral Tales, translated by Patrick Creagh)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Coates (1984)
Giacomo Leopardi
(The Canti with a selection of his prose translated by J.G. Nichols)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Giacomo Leopardi
(Canti, translated by Jonathan Galassi)
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Dixon (2011)
Ben Lerner
(The Hatred of Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2016)
Ben Lerner
(No Art)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rowland Bagnall (2017)
Ben Lerner
(The Lights)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dane Holt (2024)
Lawrence Lerner
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1985)
Shara Lessley
(The Explosive Expert’s Wife)
Subscribers only reviewed by Yvonne Reddick (2019)
Lyubomir Levchev
(The Mysterious Man, tr. Vladimir Phillipov)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Lyubomir Levchev
(Stolen Fire: selected poems, translated by Ewald Osers )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1987)
Christopher Levenson
(Night Vision)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lucas (2015)
Denise Levertov
(A Door in the Hive/Evening Train)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
Denise Levertov
(Sands of the Well)
Subscribers only reviewed by Caitriona O'Reilly (1999)
Denise Levertov
(This Great Unknowing. Last Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2001)
Denise Levertov
(New Selected Poems, edited by Paul A. Lacey)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jane Yeh (2004)
John Levett
(Changing Sides)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Tuohy (1984)
Peter Levi
(Collected Poems 1955-75)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Utz (1977)
Peter Levi
(Private Ground)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Constantine (1982)
Peter Levi
(The Echoing Green)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1984)
Peter Levi
(Shakespeare's Birthday)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Peter Levi
(The Rags of Time)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Peter Levi
(Reed Music)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (1998)
Primo Levi
(Other People's Trades )
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Rudolf (1990)
Primo Levi
(Collected Poems, translated by Ruth Feldman and Brian Swann)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1992)
Gabriel Levin
(Sleepers of Beulah)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1993)
Gabriel Levin
Subscribers only reviewed by Sinéad Morrissey (2000)
Phillis Levin
(The Penguin Book of the Sonnet: 500 Years of a Classic Tradition in English, edited by Phillis Levin)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Gervais (2003)
Philip Levine
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hofmann (1986)
Philip Levine
(The Mercy)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1999)
Philip Levine
(Stranger to Nothing)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nick Telfer (2006)
David J. Levy
(Realism: An essay in interpretation and social reality)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Crowther (1982)
Deborah Levy
(Swimming Home (And Other Stories))
Subscribers only reviewed by Julian Stannard (2012)
Sydney Levy
(The Play of the Text: Max Jacob's Le Cornet I à dés, with translations by Judith Morganroth Schneider )
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1983)
Emma Lew
(Anything the Landlord Touches)
Subscribers only reviewed by Judy Kendall (2004)
Alun Lewis
(Selected Poems, ed. Jeremy Hooker and Gweno Lewis)
Subscribers only reviewed by Bernard Bergonzi (1982)
Alun Lewis
(A Cypress Walk - Letters to 'Frieda')
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2008)
C. Day Lewis
Subscribers only reviewed by Robyn Marsack (1992)
Gwyneth Lewis
(Parables & Faxes)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Gwyneth Lewis
(Zero Gravity)
Subscribers only reviewed by Caitriona O'Reilly (1999)
Gwyneth Lewis
(Chaotic Angels: Poems in English)
Subscribers only reviewed by Zoë Brigley (2006)
Janet Lewis
(The Birthday of the Infanta)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Jenny Lewis
(Taking Mesopotamia)
Subscribers only reviewed by Maya C. Popa (2014)
Saunders Lewis
(Selected Poems, translated with an Introduction and Notes by Joseph P.Clancy)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1994)
Wyndham Lewis
(C. J. Fox (Ed.), Enemy Salvoes: Selected Literary Criticism by Wyndham Lewis, General Introduction by C. H. Sisson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Young (1977)
Wyndham Lewis
(Collected Poems and Plays, edited by Alan Munton)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1980)
Wyndham Lewis
(The Complete Wild Body. Edited by Bernard Lafourcade)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert Fraser (1984)
Wyndham Lewis
(Snooty Baronet, edited by Bernard Lafourcade)
Subscribers only reviewed by Walter Michel (1985)
Wyndham Lewis
(Rotting Hill, edited with an afterword and notes by Paul Edwards )
Subscribers only reviewed by Walter Michel (1986)
Wyndham Lewis
(Pound/Lewis: the Letters of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, edited by Timothy Materer)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Malpas (1986)
Wyndham Lewis
(The Vulgar Streak, with Afterword and Notes by Paul Edwards)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1986)
Wyndham Lewis
(Men Without Art, edited with Afterword and Notes by Seamus Cooney)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1988)
Wyndham Lewis
(Creatures of Habit and Creatures of Change: Essays on Art, Literature and Society 1914-1956)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1991)
Tim Liardet
(The Blood Choir)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick McGuinness (2007)
Isabella Lickbarrow
(Collected Poems . Edited by Constance Parrish)
Subscribers only reviewed by Duncan Wu (2005)
Mark Lilley
(Gay Men's Literature in the Twentieth Century)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Simpson (1994)
Joanne Limburg
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2001)
Michael Lind
(The Alamo)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
Eddie Linden
(City of Razors)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Clarke (1981)
Grevel Lindop
(Fools' Paradise)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Wilkins (1979)
Grevel Lindop
(The Opium-Eater: A Life of Thomas De Quincey )
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1982)
Grevel Lindop
Subscribers only reviewed by Eavan Boland (1988)
Grevel Lindop
(Playing With Fire)
Subscribers only reviewed by James McGrath (2007)
Grevel Lindop
(Playing with Fire)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Wood (2007)
Jack Lindsay
(The Blood Vote)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
Maurice Lindsay
(Modern Scottish Poetry: an anthology of the Scottish Renaissance 1925-1975, ed. Maurice Lindsay)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Wood (1978)
Maurice Lindsay
(History of Scottish Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Wood (1980)
Maurice Lindsay
(Collected Poems 1940-1990)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1992)
Sarah Lindsay
(Primate Behavior)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1998)
Deena Linett
(The Gate at Visby)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Messo (2012)
Ewa Lipska
(Pet Shops and Other Poems, bilingual, translated by Barbara Bogoczek and Tony Howard)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris Miller (2004)
Douglas Lipton
(The Stone Sleeping-Bag)
Subscribers only reviewed by Douglas Reid Skinner (1994)
Eugenio Lisboa
(A Centenary Pessoa)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1996)
Inna Lisnianskaya
(Far from Sodom, translated by Daniel Weissbort)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2007)
Anna Livesey
(Good Luck)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vivienne Neale (2004)
Luljeta Lleshanaku
Subscribers only reviewed by Sasha Dugdale (2012)
Luljeta Lleshanaku
(Negative Space translated by Ani Gjika)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2018)
Hilary Llewellyn-Williams
(The Tree Calendar)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1989)
Eluned Lloyd
(Inside the Moontree)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1994)
Margaret Lloyd
(A Moment in the Field)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (2007)
Liz Lochhead
(Dreaming Frankenstein & Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1985)
Liz Lochhead
(The Colour of Black & White: Poems 1984-2003 Dreaming Frankenstein & Collected Poems 1967-1984)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Woods (2006)
Patricia Lockwood
(Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals)
Subscribers only reviewed by Adam Crothers (2015)
David Lodge
(The Modes of Modern Writing)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Edwards (1979)
David Lodge
(After Bakhtin: Essays on Fiction and Criticism)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1990)
William Logan
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1985)
William Logan
(Vain Empires)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (1998)
William Logan
(Vain Empires)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1999)
William Logan
(The Undiscovered Country: Poetry in the Age of Tin)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Procter (2006)
William Logan
(Deception Island: Selected Early Poems, 1974-1999)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2012)
James Logenbach
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2018)
James Logenbach
(How Poems Get Made)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Valades (2019)
Christopher Logue
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1991)
Christopher Logue
(War Music: An Account of Books 1-4 and 16-19 of Homer's Iliad)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Bryden (2002)
Herbert Lomas
(Public Footpath)
Subscribers only reviewed by Simon Featherstone (1982)
Herbert Lomas
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1993)
Marion Lomax
(Raiding the Borders)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1996)
Layli Long Soldier
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2020)
James Longenbach
(The Art of the Poetic Line)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Tromp (2010)
Edna Longley
(Louis MacNeice: a Study)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robyn Marsack (1990)
Edna Longley
(Poetry and Posterity and The Bloodaxe Book of Twentieth-Century Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Davis (2001)
Michael Longley
(The Echo Gate)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Corcoran (1981)
Michael Longley
(Poems 1963-1983)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eavan Boland (1987)
Michael Longley
(Poems 1963-1983)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1992)
Michael Longley
(The Ghost Orchid)
Subscribers only reviewed by Justin Quinn (1996)
Michael Longley
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (1999)
Michael Longley
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1999)
Michael Longley
(Snow Water)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jody Allen Randolph (2005)
Michael Longley
(Snow Water)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Kinsella (2005)
Michael Longley
(The Stairwell)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sue Leigh (2015)
Michael Longley
(Angel Hill)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sue Leigh (2017)
Michael Longley
(Angel Hill)
Subscribers only reviewed by Maitreyabandhu (2017)
Tim Longville
(Seven Elephants And One Eye)
Subscribers only reviewed by Geoffrey Ward (1984)
Iain Lonie
(The Entrance to Purgatory)
Subscribers only reviewed by Angela Smith (1988)
Tony Lopez
(Data Shadow)
Subscribers only reviewed by Elizabeth Eger (2003)
Tony Lopez
(Only More So)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2012)
Federico García Lorca
(Poet in New York translated by Greg Simon and Stephen F. White, edited by Christopher Maurer)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1991)
Federico García Lorca
(Selected Poems translated by Merryn Williams)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Federico García Lorca
(Selected Poems, edited by J.L. Gili)
Subscribers only reviewed by Miriam Gamble (2010)
Marjorie Lotfi
(The Wrong Person To Ask)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vera Yuen (2024)
Andrew Louth
(Discerning the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology)
Subscribers only reviewed by A.M. Allchin (1984)
John Loveday
(From the Old Foundry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1984)
Jerome Loving
(Emerson, Whitman and the American Muse)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1984)
Gail Low
Subscribers only reviewed by Iain Bamforth (2021)
Edward Lowbury
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1994)
Edward Lowbury
(To Shirk No Idleness: A Critical Biography of the Poet Andrew Young)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roland John (2001)
Hannah Lowe
(The Kids)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carla-Rosa Manfredino (2022)
Robert Lowell
(For Lizzie and Harriet, History, and The Dolphin)
Subscribers only reviewed by Colin Falck (1974)
Robert Lowell
( Pity the Monsters: The Political Vision of Robert Lowell. By Alan Williamson.)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Atlas (1975)
Robert Lowell
(Collected Prose, edited by Robert Giroux )
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Boyle (1989)
Robert Lowell
(Collected Poems, edited by Frank Bidart and David Gewanter with the editorial assistance of DeSales Harrison)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2004)
Robert Lowell
(The Letters of Robert Lowell, edited by Saskia Hamilton)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2006)
Robert Lowell
(New Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Hawthorn (2018)
Robert Lowell
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2022)
Tom Lowenstein
(The Death of Mrs Owl)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Simpson (1979)
Tom Lowenstein
(Ancestors and Species. New and Selected Ethnographic Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (2006)
Tom Lowenstein
(The Structure of Days Out)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marius Kociejowski (2021)
Mina Loy
(The Lost Lunar Baedeker)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Goody (1998)
Rupert M. Loydell
(Between Dark Dreams)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1993)
Dulce María Loynaz
(translated by James O'Connor, Against Heaven)
Subscribers only reviewed by Trevor Barnett (2008)
Christine De Luca
(Dat Trickster Sun)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
John Lucas
(Studying Grosz on the Bus)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1990)
John Lucas
(One for the Piano)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Kendall (1997)
John Lucas
(Starting to Explain: Essays on Twentieth Century British and Irish Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2003)
John Lucas
(Things to Say)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2012)
John Lucas
(Second World War Poetry in English)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Wylie (2015)
(De Rerum Natura/The Poem on Nature, translated from the Latin by C. H. Sisson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1977)
Valeria Luiselli
(Lost Children Archive and Tell Me How It Ends: An Essay in Forty Questions)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2019)
Guus Luitjers
(Song of Stars, tr. Marian De Vooght)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jamie Osborn (2019)
Georg Lukács
(Essays on Realism, edited and introduced by Rodney Livingstone)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1983)
Julie Lumsden
(True Crime)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2012)
Roddy Lumsden
(The Book of Love)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (2001)
Joe Luna
(The Letters of Douglas Oliver and J.H. Prynne, 1967–2000)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Latter (2023)
Artur Lundkvist
(Agadir, tr. William Jay Smith and Leif Sjöberg )
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Carola Luther
(Walking the Animals)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sarah Wardle (2005)
Carola Luther
(Walking the Animals)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyon (2005)
Andrew Lycette
(Dylan Thomas: A New Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Kinsella (2005)
Robin Lydenberg
(Radical Theory and Practice in William S. Burroughs' Fiction)
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Harris (1989)
Alexis Lykiard
(Jean Rhys Revisited)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eibhlín Evans (2001)
Thomas Lynch
(Grimalkin & Other Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Sansom (1995)
Thomas Lynch
(The Undertaking: Life Studies from the Dismal Trade)
Subscribers only reviewed by Iain Bamforth (1998)
Thomas Lynch
(Still Life in Milford)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1998)
Alice Lyons
(The Breadbasket of Europe)
Subscribers only reviewed by Natasha Stallard (2017)
John Lyons
(Debjani Chatterjee, John Lyons, Cheryl Martin, Lemn Sissay, The Sun Rises in the North)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Parfitt (1992)
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