Rowland Bagnall
on Charles Bukowski & Ben Lerner (2017)
on Houellebecq’s Poems (2017)
on Luke Kennard (2018)
on Oli Hazzard (2022)
on Yannis Ritsos (2023)
on Zoë Hitzig (2024)
Elizabeth Baines
on Emma Tennant (1987)
on Margaret Atwood and Elizabeth Wilson (1987)
on Jenny Joseph (1987)
Iain Bamforth
on Amy Clampitt (1995)
on George Steiner's essays and fiction (1997)
on Thomas Lynch's Life Studies from the Dismal Trade (1998)
on Kirsty Gunn and Gail Low (2021)
Mary Jo Bang
on Sylvia Plath: Drawings (2014)
Stephen Bann
on Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's 'Montaillon' (1979)
Lacan from the Centre (1979)
on George Buchanan (1981)
Jonathan Barker
on David Wright (1982)
on George Deacon's John Clare (1984)
Peter Dale (1985)
on Norman MacCraig (1986)
Sebastian Barker
on David Gascoyne (1999)
on Stanley Moss, Donald Justice and Aidan Mathews (1999)
Anthony Barnett
on Victor Segalen’s Exoticism (2017)
on Calliope Michail’s Along Mosaic Roads (2019)
on Cees Nooteboom (2019)
on Valeria Luiselli (2019)
on Petero Kalulé's Kalimba (2019)
on J.H. Prynne (2020)
On Paul Celan (2021)
On Nelly Sachs (2022)
on Lucy Rose Cunningham (2023)
Trevor Barnett
on Dulce María Loynaz (2008)
on Gabriela Mistral, Víctor Rodrígues Núñez and Mercedes Roffé (2009)
on Cantes flamencos (Flamenco Songs) (2013)
on new translations of Antonio Machado and Miguel Hernández (2016)
Jack Barron
on W.S. Graham (2023)
on The Penguin Book of Elegy (2024)
Jennifer L. Bauman
on Alison Fell (2006)
on Alice Fulton (2006)
Chris Beckett and Isao Miura
on Maitreyabandhu (2016)
Calvin Bedient
on C. H. Sisson (1975)
on Jorie Graham (1994)
Patricia Beer
on Norman MacCaig (1991)
on love and erotic poetry (1991)
on the lives of Elizabeth Smart and Anne Sexton (1992)
Leslie Bell
on Abellatif Laâbi (2017)
John Berger
on Nicki Jackowska (2000)
Tara Bergin
on Vasko Popa (2012)
on János Pilinszky (2013)
on Marius Kociejowski’s God’s Zoo (2015)
Alice Oswald (2016)
on The Art of Dying (2018)
on Poetry of the Holocaust (2020)
on Harry Clifton & Lavinia Singer (2023)
on Leontia Flynn and Susannah Dickey (2024)
Bernard Bergonzi
on Neil Powell (1981)
on Bernard Spencer and Alun Lewis (1982)
on John Pilling's 'Studies in Self-Scrutiny' (1982)
on Drummond Allison (1995)
Vicki Bertram
on Nancy Cunard (2006)
on Adrienne Rich (2006)
on Edith Sitwell (2007)
on Lorna Goodison (2007)
Dominic Bevin
on Henry Miller (1991)
Clyde Binfield
A Gathered Church (1979)
Caroline Bird
on Roger McGough (2002)
Michael Bird
on L. C. Knights's 'Selected Essays' (1982)
on Derek Walcott (1982)
on John Cassidy, Matt Simpson, Peter Didsbury (1983)
on Ivan Lalić (1983)
on John Montague (1983)
on John Jones's Dostoevsky (1984)
on new books from Bloodaxe, Peterloo and Poetry Wales Press (1984)
on Yevgeny Zamyatin (1986)
on Norman MacCaig (1989)
on Constantine, Walker & Scammell (1989)
Julia Blackburn
on George Barker (2002)
Peter Bland
on Alan Ross (1998)
Nathalie Blondel
on Mary Butts (1989)
on Jean Cocteau (1991)
Steven Blyth
on Medbh McGuckian and Pamela Gillilan (1995)
on Maurice Rutherford and Brian Waltham (1995)
on Stanley Cook (1996)
Eavan Boland
on Roy Fuller (1987)
on Naomi Mitchison (1987)
on Michael Longley and E. A. Markham (1987)
on Urdu Poetry (1987)
on Grevel Lindop and Val Warner (1988)
on Peter Ackroyd (1988)
on Padraic Fallon (1990)
on Richard Wilbur (1990)
on Sylvia Plath (1991)
on Thom Gunn (1993)
James Booth
on Larkin and Amis (2013)
Keith Bosley
on Fernando Pessoa (1990)
Charles Boyle
on Robert Lowell (1989)
Alison Brackenbury
on David H.W. Grubb, Frances Wilson, Robin Ford, J.G. Nichols (2005)
on Jehane Markham, Graham Mort, Philip Callow and Tamar Yoseloff (2005)
on U.A Fanthorpe (2006)
on Alice Oswald, Tom Chivers and David Hart (2010)
on Keri Finlayson, Arda Collins and Lesley Harrison (2010)
on Siobhan Campbell, Eleanor Rees, Dora Malech and Carrie Jerrel (2010)
Faber New Poets 1-8 (2011)
on Anne Berkeley, Carrie Etter and Diana Pooley (2011)
on Siân Hughes, Ellen Phethean and Hilary Menos (2011)
on six pamphlets (2012)
on Tiffany Atkinson and Allison McVety (2012)
on Anne Carson, Mimi Khalvati, Judy Brown and Paul Griffiths (2014)
on William Fuller, Kate Foley, Mary O’Gorman and The Rag-Picker’s Guide to Poetry (2014)
on pamphlets by Derrick Buttress, Jay Ramsay, Tom Chivers, William Palmer, Christine De Luca (2014)
on Faber New Poets (2015)
on Holly Hopkins, Ben Wilkinson, Robert Vas Dias and Juli Jana (2015)
on Sweeney, Koenegracht, King, Kennefick, and Astley (2015)
reviews five poetry pamphlets (2016)
on five chapbooks (2016)
on four chapbooks (2016)
four pamphlets (2016)
Four Faber New Poets (2016)
Robinson, Grubin, Murray, Refugees Welcome (2016)
Twelve Pamphlets (2016)
on Seven pamphlets (2017)
on ten pamphlets (2017)
on ten pamphlets (2017)
Seven pamphlets (2017)
on Jane Griffiths (2017)
on Jack Mapanje (2018)
on Enitharmon Press (2018)
Matías Serra Bradford
on Iain Sinclair (2007)
on Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World (2008)
on Christopher Ricks's True Friendship (2011)
Beverley Bie Brahic
on Yves Bonnefoy (2013)
on Reading Apollinaire’s ‘Calligrammes’ (2018)
Marcia Brennan
on Jacket magazine (2008)
D.G. Bridson
Conrad Aiken's Letters (1979)
Holger Briel
on Michael Krüger (1996)
Zoë Brigley
on Gwyneth Lewis (2006)
Ian Brinton
on Anthony Barnett (2012)
on Tony Lopez (2012)
on John Muckle (2012)
on David Caddy (2013)
on The Poetry of Dylan Thomas (2014)
on Dylan Thomas and David Gascoyne (2015)
on Peter Hughes (2015)
on Late Modernism and The English Intelligencer (2015)
on The Poetry and Poetics of Michael Heller (2016)
on J. H. Prynne (2016)
David Herd (2016)
on Alain-Fournier’s Poems (2017)
on Chris Torrance (2018)
on Ken Edwards (2019)
on John Wilkinson (2019)
on Lucy Newlyn (2021)
on Michael Heller (2022)
Alex Broadhead
on Michael Hofmann (2008)
on Bernard O'Donoghue (2008)
Andy Brown
on Allen Curnow and Richard Reeve (2002)
on Adrienne Rich (2002)
Richard Brown
on Karl Miller's 'Doubles' (1986)
on Yves Navarre (1987)
Matt Bryden
on Frieda Hughes (2002)
on Logue and Alexander translations (2002)
on G.F. Dutton (2002)
George Buchanan
on D. H. Lawrence in French (1977)
on Amir Gilboa and Leon Stroinski (1981)
Carmen Bugan
on Marin Sorecu and Nichita Danilov (2004)
on Tom Paulin, Medbh McGuckian, John Montague, Brendan Kennelly (2005)
on Bejan Matur and Choman Hardi (2005)
on the Southward Edition's Eastern European Poetry (2006)
Joseph Bullock
on The Tempest (2019)
Olivier Burckhardt
on Horace (1999)
on Marianne Moore and China (2000)
on Women Writers of Traditional China (2001)
on Anthony Burgess's Poetry (2003)
on Ungaretti (2003)
on Callimachus (2005)
on John Frow (2007)
Peter Burke
Intellectuals: A Sketch for a Group Portrait (1988)
Michael Burleigh
on Michael André Bernstein (2001)
Edwina Burness
on Ruth Prawer Jhabvala (1988)
on Fanthorpe & Mitchell (1989)
Lucy Burns
on The Black Mountain Letters (2017)
Dan Burt
on Elaine Feinstein (2010)
Stephanie (formerly Stephen) Burt
on John Haffenden's Empson (2007)