Most Read... John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
(PN Review 259)
Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
(PN Review 259)
Joshua WeinerAn Exchange with Daniel Tiffany/Fall 2020
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
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Reviews, Reviewees - G
Judy Gahagan
(Crossing the No-Man's Land)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1999)
Judy Gahagan
(Night Calling)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rachel Elliot (2003)
Katherine Gallagher
(Passengers to the City)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1987)
Katherine Gallagher
(Acres of Light)
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2017)
Tess Gallagher
(Portable Kisses)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ra Page (1996)
Tess Gallagher
(Is, Not Is)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2020)
John Gallas
(Flying Carpets over Filbert Street)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1995)
John Gallas
(Mad John's Walk)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Rhian Galllagher
Subscribers only reviewed by Rachel Elliot (2003)
Cathy Galvin
(Rough Translation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Cathy Galvin
(Walking the Coventry Ring Road with Lady Godiva)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2020)
James Galvin
(Resurrection Update: Collected Poems 1975-1997)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Henry (1998)
Mirielle Gansel
(and Reiner Kunze, In Time of Need, translated by Edmund Jephcott, with an essay by Ritchie Robertson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Thwaite (2006)
Roger Garfitt
(Given Ground)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1992)
Beatrice Garland
(The Invention of Fireworks)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (2014)
Elizabeth Garrett
(The Rule of Three)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1992)
Elizabeth Garrett
(A Two-Part Invention)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1999)
Jean Garrigue
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1992)
Deborah Garrison
(A Working Girl Can't Win)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1998)
Deborah Garrison
(A Working Girl Can't Win)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (2000)
Deborah Garrison
(The Second Child)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2008)
David Gascoyne
(Journal 1936-1937)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Young (1982)
David Gascoyne
(Collected Poems 1988)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1988)
David Gascoyne
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Sansom (1995)
David Gascoyne
(Night Thoughts)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (1996)
David Gascoyne
(Selected Prose 1934-1996)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sebastian Barker (1999)
David Gascoyne
(New Collected Poems, edited by Roger Scott)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2015)
David Gascoyne
(Anniversary Epistle to Allen Ginsberg)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Jonathan Gash
Subscribers only reviewed by Marghanita Laski (1987)
Lorand Gaspar
('Vivre et écrire', La Nouvelle Revue française, March 1994 and Four Poems, translated from the French by Peter Riley)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Little (1995)
Lorand Gaspar
(The Word at Hand)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1996)
Simon Gaunt
(The Song of Roland and Other Poems of Charlemagne, a new translation by Simon Gaunt and Karen Pratt)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2017)
Gary Geddes
(Light of Burning Towers: Poems New and Selected)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1992)
Gary Geddes
(The Terracotta Army)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2008)
Albert Gelpi
(American Poetry after Modernism: The Power of the Word)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gareth Reeves (2015)
Gérard Genette
(Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1998)
David Gentleman
(London, You're Beautiful: An Artist's Year)
Subscribers only reviewed by Judith Chernaik (2012)
Strickland Geoffrey
(Structuralism or Criticism? Thoughts on How We Read)
Subscribers only reviewed by David J. Levy (1982)
Dai George
(The Claims Office)
Subscribers only reviewed by Josh Hinton (2015)
Karen Gershon
(My Daughters, My Sisters)
Subscribers only reviewed by Blake Morrison (1978)
Azita Ghahreman
(Negative of a Group Photograph)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jamie Osborn (2020)
Waguih Ghali
(Beer in the Snooker Club)
Subscribers only reviewed by Grahame Smith (1989)
Reginald Gibbons
(The Ruined Motel)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hofmann (1983)
Reginald Gibbons
(How Poems Think)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2017)
Reginald Gibbons
(How Poems Think)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2020)
Henry Gifford
(Poetry in a divided world)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1987)
Henry Gifford
(Poetry in a Divided World)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lesley Chamberlain (1988)
Terry Gifford
(Ted Hughes: A Critical Study - with Neil Roberts)
Subscribers only reviewed by Elizabeth Waltheer (1982)
Mario Martín Gijón
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2021)
Geoff Gilbert
(Hold! West)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Amir Gilboa
(The Light of Lost Suns: Selected Poems, translated by Shirley Kaufman)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Buchanan (1981)
Pamela Gillilan
(All Steel Traveller. New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Blyth (1995)
Natalia Ginzburg
(The Little Virtues)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Parks (1986)
Dana Gioia
(The Gods of Winter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1991)
Dana Gioia
(Can Poetry Matter? Essays on Poetry and American Culture)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
Dana Gioia
(Can Poetry Matter?: Essays on Poetry and American Culture)
Subscribers only reviewed by J.R. Hellier (1994)
Chrissie Gittins
Subscribers only reviewed by Judy Kendall (2004)
Peter Gizzi
(Some Values of Landscape and Weather)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (2004)
Peter Gizzi
(The Outernationale)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2008)
Peter Gizzi
(Threshold Songs)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Ross (2012)
Peter Gizzi
(In Defense of Nothing: Selected Poems 1987–2011)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ben Hickman (2014)
Peter Gizzi
(Sky Burial)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ben Hickman (2020)
Peter Gizzi
(Fierce Elegy)
Subscribers only reviewed by Declan Ryan (2024)
Jon Glover
(Our Photographs)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (1987)
Jon Glover
(To the Niagara Frontier)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Michael Glover
(Only So Much )
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2012)
Louise Glück
(The House on Marshland )
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Waterman (1978)
Louise Glück
(The Wild Iris)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Doty (1996)
Louise Glück
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
Louise Glück
(Vita Nova)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Tromp (2000)
Louise Glück
(Ulriche Draesner translates Louise Glück's Averno into German)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evelyn Schlag (2008)
Louise Glück
(A Village Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Tromp (2012)
Louise Glück
(Faithful and Virtuous Night)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2015)
Louise Glück
(American Originality)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2021)
Louise Glück
(Marigold and Rose)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Franz (2023)
Michael Gnarowski
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2017)
Guntars Godins
(Flying Blind, translated by Eugene O'Connell)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carmen Bugan (2006)
J.W. von Goethe
(Faust, Part One, translated by David Luke)
Subscribers only reviewed by Idris Parry (1989)
John Gohorry
(The Coast of Bohemia)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
John Gohorry
(Talk into the Late Evening)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1993)
Albert Goldbarth
(Saving Lives and Troubled Lovers in History)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2002)
Jonathan Goldberg
(Voice Terminal Echo. Postmodernism and English Renaissance Texts)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lynne Hancock and Lyndal Roper (1989)
William Golding
(The Hot Gates, A Moving Target, The Paper Men)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Thompson (1985)
Kenneth Goldsmith
(Against Translation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2018)
R. James Goldstein
(The English Lyric Tradition: Reading Poetic Masterpieces of the Middle Ages and Renaissance)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2017)
Peter Goldsworthy
(This Goes WithThat: Selected Poems 1970-1990)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1993)
George Gömöri
(The Colonnade of Teeth: Modern Hungarian Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1997)
Luis de Góngora
(Selected Poems of Luis de Góngora: A Bilingual Edition, edited and translated by John Dent-Young and The Golden Age: Poems of the Spanish Renaissance, translated by Edith Grossman)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2008)
Fernande Gontier
(Simone de Beauvoir, translated by Lisa Nesselson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1989)
John Goodby
(The Poetry of Dylan Thomas: Under the Spelling Wall )
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2014)
Lorna Goodison
(Goldengrove: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vicki Bertram (2007)
Natalya Gorbanevskaya
(Selected Poems, trans by Daniel Weissbort)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gerry McGrath (2012)
Caroline Gordon
( A Literary Friendship: Correspondence Between Caroline Gordon and Ford Madox Ford, edited by Brita Lindberg-Seyersted)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sara Haslam (2000)
Grey Gowrie
(The Right Place)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Hermann Grab
(The Town Park and other stories, translated by Quintin Hoare)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Guest (1989)
Desmond Graham
(A Rumtopf For Summer)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1991)
Desmond Graham
(The Marching Bands)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ra Page (1996)
Desmond Graham
(After Shakespeare)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Redmond (2002)
Desmond Graham
(The Green Parakeet)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2010)
Jorie Graham
(Region of Unlikeness)
Subscribers only reviewed by Calvin Bedient (1994)
Jorie Graham
Subscribers only reviewed by Belle Randall (1995)
Jorie Graham
(The Errancy)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
Jorie Graham
(The Dream of the Unified Field: Selected Poems, 1974-1994)
reviewed by Justin Quinn (1997)
Jorie Graham
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Rudd (2006)
Jorie Graham
Subscribers only reviewed by Maitreyabandhu (2021)
W.S. Graham
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Schmidt (1980)
W.S. Graham
(Aimed at Nobody: Poems from Notebooks)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Jones (1993)
W.S. Graham
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1996)
W.S. Graham
(New Collected Poems, edited by Matthew Francis, with a preface by Douglas Dunn)
reviewed by Richard Price (2004)
W.S. Graham
(Speaking Towards You, edited by Ralph Pite and Hester Jones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (2004)
Lee Grandjean
(Their Silence a Language)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Carpenter (1996)
Dominique Grandmont
(Images au Miroir/Mirror Images )
Subscribers only reviewed by Lawrence Sail (1980)
K.W. Gransden
(The Last Picnic)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Günter Grass
(Selected Poems )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1981)
Ida Affleck Graves
(A Kind Husband)
Subscribers only reviewed by Loraine Fletcher (1995)
Robert Graves
(Poems selected by Robert Graves and Anthony Thwaite)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nick Rhodes (1979)
Robert Graves
(Collected Writings on Poetry, edited by Paul O'Prey)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick McGuinness (1995)
Alisdair Gray
(Collected Verses)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Walls (2011)
Kathryn Gray
(The Never-Never)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyon (2005)
Kathryn Gray
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Kathryn Gray
(Hollywood or Home)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sarah-Clare Conlon (2024)
Robert Gray
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1999)
Robert Gray
(Grass Script: Selected Earlier Poems and Lineations)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2001)
Robert Greacen
(Collected Poems 1944-1994 and Even Without Irene. An Autobiography)
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Hobday (1996)
Paul Green
(A Comparative Daimon)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1991)
Stephen Greenblatt
(The Swerve: How The Renaissance Began)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2012)
Jeffrey Greene
(American Spirituals)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (1999)
Richard Greene
(Edith Sitwell: Avant Garde Poet, English Genius)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ross Cogan (2011)
John Greening
(The Tutankhamun Variations)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1993)
John Greening
(To the War Poets)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2014)
John Greening
(Threading A Dream: A Poet on the Nile)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2018)
John Greening
(The Silence)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kevin Gardner (2019)
John Greening
(Vapour Trails: Reviews and Essays on Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Martin Caseley (2021)
Lavinia Greenlaw
(Night Photograph)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1994)
Lavinia Greenlaw
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Dennis (2004)
Lavinia Greenlaw
(A Double Sorrow: Troilus and Criseyde)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2015)
Linda Gregerson
(Prodigal: New and Selected Poems, 1976–2014)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2016)
Ian Gregor
(Mark Kinkead-Weekes and Ian Gregor, William Golding: A Critical Study )
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Thompson (1985)
Andrew Greig
(As Though We Were Flying)
Subscribers only reviewed by Okechukwu Nzelu (2012)
Kate Grenville
(Bearded Ladies)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
C.M. Grieve
(Annals of the Five Senses, introduction by Alan Bold)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1984)
Jasper Griffin
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1987)
Bill Griffiths
(A Tract against the Giants)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1990)
Bill Griffiths
(Collected Earlier Poems (1966-80), edited by Alan Halsey and Ken Edwards )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2010)
Bill Griffiths
(Collected Poems and Sequences 1981–91)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2014)
Eric Griffiths
(The Printed Voice of Victorian Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Robinson (1990)
Jane Griffiths
(A Grip on Thin Air)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2001)
Jane Griffiths
(Icarus on Earth)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter McDonald (2006)
Jane Griffiths
(Silent in Finisterre)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Kate Griffiths
(The Attitudes)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jazmine Linklater (2022)
Paul Griffiths
(The Tilted Cup: Noh Stories)
reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
Steve Griffiths
(Anglesey Material)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Clarke (1981)
Geoffrey Grigson
(History of Him)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (1981)
Geoffrey Grigson
(Blessings, Kicks and Curses: A Critical Collection; Collected Poems 1963-1980; and The Private Art: A Poetry Note-Book)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (1983)
Anne Grimes
(Alice's Cat)
Subscribers only reviewed by James McGrath (2005)
Vona Groarke
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1995)
Vona Groarke
(Other People's Houses)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sinéad Morrissey (2000)
Vona Groarke
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael A. Kinsella (2002)
Vona Groarke
(Juniper Street)
Subscribers only reviewed by Heather Clark (2006)
Vona Groarke
Subscribers only reviewed by John Redmond (2009)
Vona Groarke
(Link: Poet and World)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kathryn Maris (2022)
Vona Groarke
(Woman of Winter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gwyneth Lewis (2024)
Emily Grosholz
(The Stars of Earth)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2019)
John Gross
(Oxford Book of Aphorisms)
Subscribers only reviewed by Idris Parry (1983)
Philip Gross
(Familiars and The Ice Factory)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1985)
Philip Gross
(Cat's Whisker)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lawrence Sail (1988)
Philip Gross
(The Air Mines of Mistila)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1989)
Philip Gross
(The Son of the Duke of Nowhere )
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1991)
Philip Gross
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Philip Gross
(The Egg of Zero)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2006)
Philip Gross
(Love Songs of Carbon)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2016)
David Grubb
(It Comes With A Bit of Song)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nick Telfer (2008)
David H.W. Grubb
(The Elephant in the Room)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2005)
Eve Grubin
(The House of Our First Loving)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Durs Grünbein
Subscribers only reviewed by André Naffis-Sahely (2010)
Susan Gubernat
(The Zoo at Night)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2019)
Suzanne Guerlac
(Literary Polemics: Bataille, Sartre; Valéry, Breton)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1998)
Harry Guest
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Harry Guest
(Lost and Found)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1985)
Harry Guest
(Last Harvest)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2021)
Charles Gullans
(Imperfect Correspondances and Many Houses)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Hjalmar Gullberg
(Gentleman, Single, Refined, tr. Judith Moffett )
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Daniel Gunn
(Psychoanalysis and Fiction: An Exploration of Literary and Psychoanalytic Borders)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1990)
Kirsty Gunn
(Imagined Spaces)
Subscribers only reviewed by Iain Bamforth (2021)
Thom Gunn
(Jack Straw's Castle, The Missed Beat, and To the Air)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1978)
Thom Gunn
(Selected Poems 1950-1975)
reviewed by Dick Davis (1980)
Thom Gunn
(The Occasions of Poetry: Essays in Criticism and Autobiography and The Passages of Joy)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1983)
Thom Gunn
(The Man with Night Sweats)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1992)
Thom Gunn
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Eavan Boland (1993)
Thom Gunn
(Boss Cupid)
Subscribers only reviewed by Greg Woods (2000)
Grass Günter
(Die Rättin)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hamburger (1987)
Ivor Gurney
(Collected Poems of Ivor Gurney, edited and introduced by P. J. Kavanagh)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1983)
Ivor Gurney
(Stars in a Dark Night: The Letters of Ivor Gurney to the Chapman Family, edited by Anthony Boden, with a Foreword by Michael Hurd)
Subscribers only reviewed by R.K.R. Thornton (1987)
Ivor Gurney
(The Piano Music of Ivor Gurney and Edward Elgar, performed by Alan Gravill)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1992)
Ivor Gurney
Subscribers only reviewed by Roderic Dunnett (1997)
Ivor Gurney
(Seven Sappho Songs, words by William Bliss Carman)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roderic Dunnett (2001)
John Gurney
(Wheal Zion)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Vince (1981)
Ralph Gustafson
(The Moment Is All: Selected Poems 1944-83)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
Lars Gustafsson
(Selected Poems, translated by John Irons)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ross Cogan (2016)
Dafydd ap Gwilym
(A Selection of Poems, edited by Rachel Bromwich)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (1985)
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Reviews, Reviewees - G
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