Most Read... John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
(PN Review 259)
Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
(PN Review 259)
Joshua WeinerAn Exchange with Daniel Tiffany/Fall 2020
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
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PN Review Substack
Sorted by Reviewee... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Sorted by Reviewer... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Reviews, Reviewees - C
G. Cabrera Infante
(Beat Sterchi, Blösch, translated from the German by Michael Hofmann and View of Dawn in the Tropics, translated from the Spanish by Suzanne Jill Levine)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1990)
Richard Caddell
(Writing in the Dark)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2004)
David Caddy
(So Here We Are)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2013)
Alberto Caeiro
(The Complete Poems /Poesia Completo)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (2009)
Adrian Caesar
(Dividing Lines: poetry, class and ideology in the 1930s)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1992)
Janet Caird
(A Distant Urn)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1985)
Gabrielle Calcocoressi
(The Last Time I Saw Amelia Earhart)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carrie Etter (2006)
Angus Calder
(Colours of Grief)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2004)
Barry Callaghan
(Stone Blind Love )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1991)
Edward Callan
(Auden: a Carnival of Intellect)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1985)
Philip Callow
(Notes Over a Chasm)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Philip Callow
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2005)
Italo Calvino
(Mr Palomar, translated by William Weaver)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Cardinal (1987)
Anna Cameron
(Mission Brown Chihuahua)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1994)
Chaucer Cameron
(In an Ideal World I’d Not Be Murdered)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2022)
Norman Cameron
(Collected Poems and Selected Translations, edited by Warren Hope and Jonathan Barker)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1991)
Norman Cameron
(Collected Poems and Selected Translations, edited by Warren Hope and Jonathan Barker)
Subscribers only reviewed by Katy Price (2012)
Tommaso Campanella
(La Citta del Sole: Dialogo Poetico; The City of the Sun: A Poetical Dialogue, translated by Daniel J. Donno)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marie Roberts (1983)
Niall Campbell
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (2014)
Roy Campbell
(The Selected Poems of Roy Campbell, chosen by Peter Alexander)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1983)
Roy Campbell
(Selected Poems, edited and introduced by Joseph Pearce)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Freebairn (2002)
Siobhán Campbell
(The Permanent Wave)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1996)
Siobhán Campbell
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2010)
Siobhán Campbell
(Heat Signature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2017)
Peter Campion
(El Dorado)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2014)
Elias Canetti
(The Conscience of Words, translated by Joachim Neugroschel)
Subscribers only reviewed by Idris Parry (1986)
Elias Canetti
(The Secret Heart of the Clock translated by Joel Agee)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1992)
Hamish Canham
(Acquainted With the Night: Psychoanalysis and the Poetic Imagination, edited by Hamish Canham and Carole Satyamurti)
Subscribers only reviewed by Felicity Rosslyn (2004)
May Cannan
(The Tears of War, edited by Charlotte Fyfe)
Subscribers only reviewed by Val Warner (2001)
James Canton
(Out of Essex: Re-Imagining a Literary Landscape)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (2014)
Andrea Capes
(Home Fires)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1993)
Vahni Capildeo
Subscribers only reviewed by Lucy Sheerman (2016)
Ion Caraion
(Poems: a bilingual edition with English translations by Marguerite Dorian and Elliott B. Urdang)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1985)
Guy Cardwell
(The Man Who Was Mark Twain: Images and Ideologies)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1991)
John Carey
(John Donne: Life, Mind and Art)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Todd (1981)
Vuyelwa Carlin
(Midas' Daughter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tess Lewis (1992)
Vuyelwa Carlin
(How We Dream of the Dead)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (1996)
Bo Carpelan
(Room Without Walls: selected poems, translated by Anne Born )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1989)
Bo Carpelan
(Homecoming translated by David McDuff)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Bo Carpelan
(Homecoming, translated from Finland-Swedish by David McDuff)
Subscribers only reviewed by Herbert Lomas (1993)
Andrew Carpenter
(Verse in English from Eighteenth-Century Ireland)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1998)
Humphrey Carpenter
(A Serious Character, The Life of Ezra Pound)
Subscribers only reviewed by William Cookson (1989)
Peter Carpenter
(From the Smokery)
Subscribers only reviewed by Clive Wilmer (2014)
Amy Sara Carroll
(Fannie + Freddie: The Sentimentality of Post-9/11 Pornography)
Subscribers only reviewed by Adam Crothers (2013)
Hayden Carruth
(Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey, Poems, 1991-1995)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1997)
Anne Carson
(Glass and God)
Subscribers only reviewed by Caitriona O'Reilly (1999)
Anne Carson
(If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff (2003)
Anne Carson
(Red Doc> )
Subscribers only reviewed by Christopher Madden (2014)
Anne Carson
(Nay Rather)
reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
Anne Carson
Subscribers only reviewed by Jay Degenhardt (2017)
Anne Carson
(Wrong Norma)
Subscribers only reviewed by Valerie Duff-Strautmann (2024)
Ciarán Carson
(The Irish for No)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1989)
Ciarán Carson
(The Irish For No)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lawrence Sail (1990)
Ciaran Carson
(Belfast Confetti)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1991)
Ciaran Carson
(First Language)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Chisholm (1994)
Ciaran Carson
(Opera Et Cetera)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rennie Parker (1997)
Ciaran Carson
(Breaking News)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert P. Jones (2003)
Ciaran Carson
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Wylie (2009)
Ciaran Carson
(On the Night Watch)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marcus Smith (2010)
Ciaran Carson
(Until Before After)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Wylie (2010)
Jared Carter
(Work, for the Night is Coming, After the Rain, Les Barricades Mystérieuses)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roland John (2000)
Paul Carter
(The Road to Botany Bay: an essay in spatial history)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1988)
Paul Carter
(Living in a New Country: History, Travelling and Language)
Subscribers only reviewed by Laurie Duggan (1993)
Steven D. Carter
(The Road to Komatsubara: a Classical Reading of some of the Renga Hyakuin)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1988)
Raymond Carver
(A New Path To The Waterfall (poems))
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1990)
Monika Cassel
(Grammar of Passage)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Nina Cassian
(Life Sentence and Take My Word For It)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steve King (1999)
John Cassidy
(The Fountain and Changes of Light)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
John Cassidy
(Night Cries)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Bird (1983)
Turner Cassity
(The Defense of the Sugar Islands)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Jean Cassou
(33 Sonnets of the Resistance, translated by Timothy Adès, introduction by Alistair Elliot (with the original introductory essay of Louis Aragon))
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (2004)
Rosario Castellanos
(Looking at the Mona Lisa, tr. Maureen Ahern )
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Carter (1981)
Gary Catalano
(Slow Tennis)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1986)
( The Poems of Catullus, translated by Frederic Raphael and Kenneth McLeish )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1980)
Charles Causley
(Collected Poems 1951-1975)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1984)
Charles Causley
(Secret Destinations)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1986)
C.P. Cavafy
(The Canon: the original one hundred and fifty-four poems. Translated by Stratis Haviaras. Edited by Dana Bostrom. Foreword by Seamus Heaney. Introduction by Manuel Savidis)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (2008)
Constantine Cavafy
(Collected Poems translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Guido Cavalcanti
(The Selected Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti, trans. Simon West)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2011)
Guido Cavalcanti
(The Selected Poetry of Guido Cavalcanti, trans. Simon West)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2011)
Glen Cavaliero
(Ancestral Haunt)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Scupham (2002)
Clare Cavanagh
(Osip Mandelstam and the Modernist Creation of Tradition)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Terence Cave
(Thinking with Literature: Towards a Cognitive Criticism )
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (2017)
Ian Caws
(Village Under the Sea)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1984)
Paul Celan
( Biographie de jeunesse by Israel Chalfen, translated by Jean-Baptiste Scherrer; Black Letters Unleashed edited by Malcolm Green, Anthology no. 6; and Selected Poems translated by Michael Hamburger )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1990)
Paul Celan
(Poems of Paul Celan, translated by Michael Hamburger and Snow Part / Schneepart and other poems, translated by Ian Fairley)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2007)
Paul Celan
(Microliths They Are, Little Stones: Posthumous Prose)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2021)
Gabriel Celaya
(The Poetry of Gabriel Celaya, translated by Betty Jean Craige)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1986)
Jean-Jacques Celly
(The Sleepwalker with Eyes of Clay translated by Katherine Gallagher, dual text)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Blaise Cendrars
(Modernities and other writings, edited and introduced by Monique Chefdor, translated by Esther Allen in collaboration with Monique Chefdor)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Luis Cernuda
(Selected Poems, translated by Reginald Gibbons)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyons (1980)
Aimé Césaire
(La Poésie (Éditions du Seuil))
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Little (1994)
Aimé Césaire
(Notebook of a Return to My Native Land)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1996)
Abigail Chabitnoy
(How to Dress a Fish)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2020)
Fergus Chadwick
(A Shape in the Net)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1993)
Yeow Kai Chai
(One to the Dark Tower Comes)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jee Leong Koh (2021)
Melanie Challenger
(The Tender Map)
Subscribers only reviewed by Toby Martinez de las Rivas (2017)
Jennifer Chalmers
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1998)
David Chaloner
(Hotel Zingo)
Subscribers only reviewed by Geoffrey Ward (1982)
Mary Jean Chan
Subscribers only reviewed by Jonathan Catherall (2020)
Avik Chanda
(Footnotes: Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tabish Khair (2009)
Keith Chandler
(Time Signatures)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1994)
Keith Chandler
(A Different Kind of Smoke)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Tink (2002)
Victoria Chang
(Dear Memory)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2023)
Fred Chappell
(Spring Garden: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nathan Ewer (1996)
René Char
(The Dawn-Breakers, translated by Michael Worton)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
René Char
(Hypnos: Notes from the French Resistance (1943–44) translated by Mark Hutchinson and The Inventors and Other Poems translated by Mark Hutchinson)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Naughton (2016)
Kyriakos Charalambides
(Selected Poems, translated by Greg Delanty)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carmen Bugan (2006)
Chloe Chard
(Pleasure and Guilt on the Grand Tour: Travel Writing and Imaginative Geography 1600-1830)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Howell (2000)
George Charlton
(City of Dog)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Sansom (1994)
Debjani Chatterjee
(Debjani Chatterjee, John Lyons, Cheryl Martin, Lemn Sissay, The Sun Rises in the North)
Subscribers only reviewed by George Parfitt (1992)
Debjani Chatterjee
(Namaskar: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Keogan (2005)
Chen Chen
(When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jonathan Catherall (2020)
Syl Cheney-Coker
(The Blood in the Desert's Eyes)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1991)
Dan Chiasson
(Natural History and other poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nick Telfer (2006)
Donald J. Childs
(The Birth of New Criticism. Conflict and Conciliation in the Early Work of William Empson, I.A. Richards, Laura Riding, and Robert Graves)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Thompson (2017)
Kayo Chingonyi
Subscribers only reviewed by Phoebe Power (2018)
Tom Chivers
(The Terrors)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2010)
Tom Chivers
(Flood Drain)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
Margaret Christakos
(Not Egypt )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1991)
Inger Christensen
(it, translated by Susanna Nied)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (2008)
Frank Cioffi
(Wittgenstein on Freud and Frazer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1998)
Antonio Cisneros
(Helicopters in the Kingdom of Peru, tr. Maureen Ahern, Will Rowe, David Tipton)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Carter (1981)
Antonio Cisneros
(At Night the Cats, edited and translated by various hands)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1986)
Amy Clampitt
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1992)
Amy Clampitt
(A Silence Opens)
Subscribers only reviewed by Iain Bamforth (1995)
Amy Clampitt
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (1998)
Amy Clampitt
(The Collected Poems of Amy Clampitt)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Henry (1999)
Kate Clanchy
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (2000)
Joseph P. Clancy
(Passing Through)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2009)
John Clare
(The Midsummer Cushion, edited by Anne Tibble and R. K. R. Thornton)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Wright (1982)
John Clare
(The Shepherd's Calendar, edited with an introduction by Tim Chilcott)
Subscribers only reviewed by R.K.R. Thornton (2007)
Caroline Clark
Subscribers only reviewed by James Womack (2022)
Douglas Clark
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rennie Parker (1996)
Heather Clark
(The Grief of Influence: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Hawthorn (2012)
Polly Clark
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (2001)
Thomas A. Clark
(Twenty Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Geoffrey Ward (1984)
Thomas A. Clark
(Dwellings and Habitations)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1998)
Thomas A. Clark
(The Hundred Thousand Places)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (2010)
Thomas A. Clark
(Farm by the Shore)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gerry McGrath (2018)
Austin Clarke
(Selected Poems, edited by W.J. McCormack)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (1993)
Gillian Clarke
(The Sundial)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1979)
Gillian Clarke
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Conor O'Callaghan (1999)
Gillian Clarke
(The Gododdin: Lament for the Fallen)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gwyneth Lewis (2021)
Jane Clarke
(When the Tree Falls)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sue Leigh (2020)
John Cooper Clarke
(Ten Years in an Open Necked Shirt)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Tuohy (1983)
Geraldine Clarkson
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Geraldine Clarkson
(Dora Incites the Sea-Scribbler to Lament)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Killarney Clary
(Who Whispered Near Me)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
Hugo Claus
(Selected Poems 1953-1973, edited by Theo Hermans)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1987)
Hugo Claus
(The Sign of the Hamster/Het Teken van de Hamster, translated from the Flemish by Paul Claes, Christine D'Haen, Theo Hermans and Yann Lovelock)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1988)
Hugo Claus
(Even Now, translated by David Colmer)
Subscribers only reviewed by P.C. Evans (2015)
Brendan Cleary
(The Irish Card)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Chisholm (1994)
John Clegg
(Holy Toledo!)
Subscribers only reviewed by Caroline Clark (2016)
John Clegg
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2022)
Jack Clemo
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Isabel Galleymore (2015)
Gay Clifford
(Poems by Gay Clifford, introduced by Germaine Greer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1991)
Graham Clifford
(Welcome Back to the Country)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2012)
Harry Clifton
(The Desert Route)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1993)
Harry Clifton
(Night Train through the Brenner)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1995)
Harry Clifton
(Portobello Sonnets)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2017)
Harry Clifton
(Gone Self Storm)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tara Bergin (2023)
Lucille Clifton
(Generations: A Memoir)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2023)
Humphrey Clucas
(Unfashionable Song)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1991)
Anne Cluysenaar
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (1997)
Anne Cluysenaar
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1998)
Michael Coady
(One Another)
Subscribers only reviewed by Aidan Fadden (2004)
Carole Coates
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2016)
Richard Cobb
(Promenades )
Subscribers only reviewed by Simon Curtis (1981)
A.O.J. Cockshut
(The Art of Autobiography in 19th & 20th Century England)
Subscribers only reviewed by Glen Cavaliero (1985)
Jean Cocteau
(Past Tense - The Cocteau Diaries, Volume One, translated by Richard Howard)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Guest (1988)
Jean Cocteau
(Past Tense: The Cocteau Diaries, Volume Two)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nathalie Blondel (1991)
Jean Cocteau
(Tempest of Stars: selected poems, translated by Jeremy Reed)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Andrei Codrescu
(The Poetry Lesson)
Subscribers only reviewed by M.G. Stephens (2013)
J.M. Coetzee
(Landscape with Rowers: Poetry from the Netherlands, translated and edited by J.M. Coetzee)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (2004)
Brian Coffey
(Death of Hektor)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Halsey (1984)
Brian Coffey
(Poems And Versions 1929-1990)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Brian Coffey
(DÓNAL MORIARTY, The Art of Brian Coffey)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marcella Edwards (2000)
Leonard Cohen
(Book of Longing)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2008)
Leonard Cohen
(The Flame)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2020)
Peter Cole
(The Invention of Influence )
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Franz (2014)
Philip Coleman
(John Berryman’s Public Vision: Relocating the Scene of Disorder)
Subscribers only reviewed by Karl O'Hanlon (2015)
Victor Coleman
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1990)
Wanda Coleman
(Wicked Enchantment)
reviewed by Rommi Smith (2021)
Don Coles
(Landslides: Selected Poems 1975-85 and The Prinzhorn Collection)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
Gladys Mary Coles
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1988)
Amy Colin
(Paul Celan: Holograms of darkness)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1992)
Stefan Collini
(Common Writing: Essays on Literary Culture and Public Debate)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2017)
Stefan Collini
(The Nostalgic Imagination: History in English Criticism)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2019)
Arda Collins
(It is Daylight)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2010)
Billy Collins
(Picnic, Lightning)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1999)
Billy Collins
(Sailing Alone Around the Room: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kim Hjelmgaard (2002)
Billy Collins
(The Trouble with Poetry)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick McGuinness (2007)
Billy Collins
(The Rain in Portugal)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2017)
Briony Collins
(Blame it on Me)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Pura López Colomé
(Speaking in Song (Hearing and Forgetting))
Subscribers only reviewed by Ross Cogan (2020)
Jane Commane
(Assembly Lines)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rachel Mann (2019)
Anne Compton
Subscribers only reviewed by Rebecca Watts (2014)
Stephanie Conn
(Copeland’s Daughter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Stewart Conn
(In the Blood)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sophie Hannah (1995)
Stewart Conn
(Ghosts at Cockcrow)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (2006)
Susan Connolly
(Bridge of the Ford)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2017)
Anne Conover
(Olga Rudge and Ezra Pound: 'What thou lovest well...')
Subscribers only reviewed by John Peck (2002)
Tony Conran
(Castles - Variations on an Original Theme)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Garfitt (1995)
Tony Conran
(All Hallows: Symphony in 3 Movements)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rennie Parker (1996)
David Constantine
Subscribers only reviewed by Mike Westlake (1986)
David Constantine
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Bird (1989)
David Constantine
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1990)
David Constantine
(Caspar Hausar)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1995)
David Constantine
(Caspar Hauser)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
David Constantine
(A Living Language, Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry Lectures and Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sasha Dugdale (2005)
Eleanor Cook
(Elizabeth Bishop at Work)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jonathan Ellis (2017)
Stanley Cook
(Woods beyond a Cornfield)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Stanley Cook
(Woods Beyond a Cornfield: Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Blyth (1996)
Eleanor Cooke
(Secret Files)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1994)
William Cookson
(A Guide to the Cantos of Ezra Pound)
Subscribers only reviewed by Moelwyn Merchant (1987)
William Cookson
(Spell, A Sequence)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Merchant (1988)
William Cookson
(Vestiges 1955-1995)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roland John (1996)
Robert Coover
(Spanking the Maid)
Subscribers only reviewed by Christopher Walker (1989)
Wendy Cope
(Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (1986)
Wendy Cope
(Serious Concerns)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Frost (1993)
Wendy Cope
(Two Cures for Love)
Subscribers only reviewed by Henry King (2008)
Wendy Cope
(Family Values)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sophie Hannah (2011)
Wendy Cope
(Family Values)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rebecca Watts (2014)
Michael Copp
(Cambridge Poets of the Great War: An Anthology, edited by Michael Copp)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick Quinn (2002)
Julia Copus
(In Defence of Adultery)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Meier (2003)
Julia Copus
Subscribers only reviewed by Hal Coase (2019)
Tristan Corbière
(These Jaundiced Loves, translated by Christopher Pilling)
Subscribers only reviewed by Val Warner (1996)
Kelvin Corcoran
(Melanie's Book and Remember Remember)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Keery (1998)
Kelvin Corcoran
(When Suzy Was)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2000)
Kelvin Corcoran
(New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Riley (2005)
Neil Corcoran
(The Song of Deeds: a study of 'The Anathemata' of David Jones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Christine Pagnoulle (1984)
Neil Corcoran
(The Song of Deeds: a study of The Anathemata of David Jones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1985)
Neil Corcoran
(Poets of Modern Ireland)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vona Groarke (2000)
Neil Corcoran
(Poetry & Responsibility)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Spittle (2015)
Karen Mac Cormack
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2004)
Alfred Corn
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Henry (1998)
Alfred Corn
Subscribers only reviewed by Henry King (2015)
Frances Cornford
(Selected Poems, edited by Jane Dowson with a memoir by Hugh Cornford)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (1997)
Ciaran Cosgrove
(Lassoed Suns)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lawrence Sail (1990)
John Cotton
(Day Book: Fragments 1-32 and The Totleigh Riddles)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
John Coulson
(Religion and Imagination)
Subscribers only reviewed by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (1982)
Jeni Couzyn
(In the Skin House)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1994)
Jeni Couzyn
(A Time to be Born, with drawings by Claire Weissman Wilks)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stevie Davies (2000)
Rosalind Coward
(Patriarchal Precedents)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carol Shergold (1984)
Brian Cox
(The Great Betrayal: Memoirs of a Life in Education)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1993)
C.B. Cox
(Every Common Sight )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Schmidt (1982)
Jim Crace
Subscribers only reviewed by David Marriott (1988)
David Craig
(The Grasshopper's Burden)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Hart Crane
(Complete Poems, edited by Brom Weber)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1986)
Hart Crane
(O My Land, My Friends: The Selected Letters of Hart Crane)
Subscribers only reviewed by Justin Quinn (1998)
Hart Crane
(The Complete Poems of Hart Crane, edited by Marc Simon, with an introduction by Harold Bloom)
reviewed by David C. Ward (2002)
Patty Crane
(Bell I Wake To)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2020)
Douglas Crase
(On Autumn Lake: The Collected Essays)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2023)
Peter Craven
(The Best Australian Poems 2003, edited by Peter Craven)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard King (2004)
Robert Crawford
(The Savage and the City in the Work of T.S. Eliot)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Corcoran (1988)
Robert Crawford
(A Scottish Assembly)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1990)
Robert Crawford
(Devolving English Literature)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1993)
Robert Crawford
(Spirit Machines)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Duggan (1999)
Robert Crawford
(The Modern Poet - Poetry, Academia and Knowledge since the 1750s)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robyn Marsack (2002)
Robert Crawford
(The Tip of My Tongue)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2004)
Robert Crawford
(Eliot After ‘The Waste Land’)
Subscribers only reviewed by Craig Raine (2022)
Jonathan Creasy
(The Black Mountain Letters: Poems & Essays)
Subscribers only reviewed by Lucy Burns (2017)
Robert Creeley
(Hello: A Journal and Poems 1950-1965)
Subscribers only reviewed by Debbie Mitchell (1980)
Robert Creeley
(The Complete Correspondence Volume 5)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1984)
Robert Creeley
(Memories and Mirrors)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert Sheppard (1985)
Robert Creeley
(The Complete Correspondence, Volume 9)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1991)
Robert Creeley
(The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley, ed. by Rod Smith, Peter Baker, and Kaplan Harris)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alex Latter (2014)
Iain Crichton-Smith
(In the Middle)
Subscribers only reviewed by Blake Morrison (1979)
Iain Crichton-Smith
(Deer on the High Hills: Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew McNeillie (2021)
Andy Croft
(Comrade Heart: A Life of Randall Swingler)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mike Freeman (2004)
Andy Croft
(Three Men on the Metro)
Subscribers only reviewed by N.S. Thompson (2011)
Anthony Cronin
(Collected Poems 1950-1973)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1980)
Anthony Cronin
(41 Sonnet Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian McMillan (1983)
Anthony Cronin
(New & Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hilary Davies (1983)
Anthony Cronin
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Greg Delanty (2006)
Elsa Cross
(Beyond the Sea)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2017)
Kevin Crossley-Holland
(New and Selected Poems 1965-1990)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1991)
Adam Crothers
(Several Deer)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Stephenson (2017)
Ashley Bland Crowder
(Seamus Heaney: Poet, Critic, Translator)
Subscribers only reviewed by Barry Wood (2008)
Anna Crowe
(A Secret History of Rhubarb)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2005)
Claire Crowther
(Bare George)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Andrew Crozier
(An Andrew Crozier Reader, edited with an introduction by Ian Brinton )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2012)
Andrew Crozier
(‘Free Verse’ as Formal Restraint: An Alternative to Metrical Conventions in Twentieth Century Poetic Structure)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2016)
Martyn Crucefix
(Cargo of Limbs)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Jonathan Culler
(The Pursuit of Signs: Semiotics, Literature, Deconstruction)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Todd (1982)
Jonathan Culler
(Theory of the Lyric)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (2016)
Michael Cullup
(Reading Geographies)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Tuohy (1984)
Michael Cullup
(A Change of Season)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Scupham (2012)
Marcus Cumberlege
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Simpson (1979)
E.E. Cummings
(on E.E. Cummings)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Gallas (2004)
Nancy Cunard
(Poems of Nancy Cunard, edited by John Lucas)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vicki Bertram (2006)
Dave Cunliffe
(Blackburn Brainswamp)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Lucy Rose Cunningham
(Interval: House, Lover, Slippages)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2023)
Allen Curnow
(The Loop in Lone Kauri Road )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1988)
Allen Curnow
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1990)
Allen Curnow
(The Bells of Saint Babels: Poems 1997-2001)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andy Brown (2002)
Neil Curry
(Between Root and Sky)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Neil Curry
(Walking To Santiago)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1993)
Neil Curry
(The Bending of the Bow)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Caldwell (1994)
Neil Curry
(The Road to the Gunpowder House)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert P. Jones (2003)
Neil Curry
(Six Eighteenth-Century Poets)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lucas (2012)
Cathy Curtis
(A Splendid Intelligence: The Life of Elizabeth Hardwick)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tony Roberts (2022)
S. D. Curtis
(Diary of a Divorce)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Tony Curtis
(The Art of Seamus Heaney)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Corcoran (1983)
Tony Curtis
(Letting Go)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1984)
Rachel Curzon
(Faber New Poets)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Adam Czerniawski
(The Invention of Poetry: Selected Poems, translated by Iain Higgins)
Subscribers only reviewed by Piotr Gwiazda (2006)
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