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Poems, Authors - R
Sacha Rabinovitch Two Poems (1992)
Racine Subscribers only from "Andromaque" translated by Richard Wilbur (1982)
William Radice Subscribers only A Young Boy on a Family Holiday (1981)
Míklós Radnóti Subscribers only Four Poems (1978)
Subscribers only Six Poems (translated by Jascha Kessler) (1980)
Subscribers only Four Poems (translated by John Ridland and Peter Czipott) (2007)
Subscribers only Guard Me and and Protect Me (translated from the Hungarian by Clive Wilmer and George Gömöri) (2012)
Séan Rafferty Subscribers only Poems (1982)
Edward Ragg Subscribers only Two Poems (2005)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2011)
Mendoza and Nat Raha Subscribers only Blood Words As Niners (2021)
David Rain Subscribers only Two Poems (2009)
Craig Raine Subscribers only A Sequence and Six Poems (2018)
Subscribers only Song of Myself (2023)
Kathleen Raine Subscribers only Four Poems (2000)
Camille Ralphs Subscribers only Three Poems (2021)
Frederic Raphael Subscribers only Thou Art Translated (2017)
Vidyan Ravinthiran Subscribers only ‘Riposte’ and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only Peak District (2016)
Subscribers only ‘The Armchairs’ & Other Poems (2016)
Subscribers only on A.R. Ammons
Tom Raworth Subscribers only Magnetic Water (2017)
Vicki Raymond Subscribers only In the Place Where Things Grow (1990)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1991)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1993)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1994)
Yvonne Reddick Subscribers only Poem & Translations (2018)
John Redmond Subscribers only Two Poems (2003)
Subscribers only The Cigarettes of Others (2008)
Subscribers only Alexandra One (2013)
Alison T. Reed Subscribers only Between Two Worlds (1982)
Elizabeth Reeder Subscribers only Prose Poems (2008)
Gareth Reeves Subscribers only Three Poems (1974)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1974)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1975)
Three Poems (1976)
Subscribers only Stills (1982)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1983)
Subscribers only Poems (1984)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1986)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1993)
Subscribers only Six Poems (2009)
Subscribers only To Donald Davie in Heaven or wherever (2012)
Subscribers only Poems from Nuncle Music (2013)
Robert Rehder Subscribers only Four Poems (1995)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1999)
Subscribers only Yellow (2005)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2009)
Pierre Reverdy Subscribers only Excerpt from Le Voleur de Talan (translated by Ian Seed) (2006)
Nick Rhodes Subscribers only A Clear Mountain View (1975)
Alan Riach Subscribers only Two Poems (2002)
I.A. Richards Subscribers only Ars Poetica (1978)
Subscribers only A Cure (1980)
Subscribers only Theology (1980)
James Richards Subscribers only Three Poems (2018)
Sanjeev Richhariya Subscribers only Three Poems (1996)
Robert Richman Subscribers only Stargazer (1991)
Subscribers only Beauty (2000)
Edgell Rickword Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Laura Riding Subscribers only Six Poems (1981)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1994)
Anne Ridler Subscribers only Requiem: R.C.B. (1985)
Subscribers only Night Watches (1987)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Villanelle for the Colour-Conscious (1997)
Jorge Riechmann Subscribers only So Much April in October translated by Jordi Doce and Lawrence Schimel
Christopher Riesco Subscribers only Three Poems (2021)
Subscribers only The Sinai Lepoard and other poems (2023)
Oktay Rifat Subscribers only Three Poems (translated from Turkish by Christopher Middleton) (1996)
Subscribers only Eleven Poems (1998)
Denise Riley Subscribers only Six Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Wherever you are, be somewhere else (1995)
Peter Riley Subscribers only The Translations of St Columba's Sea-Watch (1995)
Subscribers only Alstonefield: first 8 stanzas of Part VI (2001)
Subscribers only The Glacial Stairway (2007)
Subscribers only 12 Cuban Instants (2008)
Subscribers only Five Poems from ‘Ring Cairns’ (2018)
Rainer Maria Rilke Subscribers only Variations on a Measure of Burns (1988)
Subscribers only Twelve poems from Neue Gedichte Translated by Stephen Cohn (1992)
Arthur Rimbaud Subscribers only from Illuminations (translated by John Ashbery) (2011)
Maurice Riordan Subscribers only The Third Wish (2021)
Peggy Rizza Subscribers only Two Poems (1975)
Lynette Roberts Subscribers only Three Uncollected Poems (2013)
Subscribers only A Letter to the Dead (2014)
Michael Symmons Roberts Subscribers only The Lung Wash (1996)
Subscribers only Topiary (1999)
Subscribers only Eight Poems (2011)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2017)
Tony Roberts Subscribers only W.D. Snodgrass : An Appreciation (2009)
Subscribers only Adventures of the Noir Américain: An Audience with the Prince (2015)
Robin Robertson Subscribers only Two Poems (1995)
Peter Robinson Subscribers only Three Poems (1983)
Subscribers only Poems (1984)
Subscribers only Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1987)
Subscribers only Nearly in the Clouds (1987)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1988)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1989)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Seven Poems (1996)
Subscribers only Three Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Eight Poems (2000)
Don Rodgers Subscribers only Two Poems (2023)
Amali Rodrigo Subscribers only How to Watch a Solar Eclipse in a Bowl of Water (2012)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2016)
David Romanda Subscribers only Four Poems (2011)
Stephen Romer Subscribers only Poems (1982)
Subscribers only Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1990)
Subscribers only Four Poems (1992)
Subscribers only Five Poems (1994)
Subscribers only Six Poems (1998)
Subscribers only Jardin Anglais: a Malentendu for Two Voices (2007)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2007)
Pierre de Ronsard Subscribers only Leda Deflowered (2021)
Dilys Rose Subscribers only Two Poems (2024)
Betsy Rosenberg Subscribers only ‘Dark Rabbit’ and Other Poems (2014)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2018)
Subscribers only Changes Made and other poems (2020)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2022)
Subscribers only Five Poems (2024)
Thomas Rosenlocher Subscribers only Four Poems (translated by Ken Cockburn) (2018)
Alan Ross Subscribers only Six Poems (1997)
Paul Rossiter Subscribers only Two Prose Poems (2014)
Jason Ranon Uri Rotstein Subscribers only Three Poems (2007)
Jacques Roubaud Subscribers only Rue d'Amsterdam (translated by Keith and Rosmarie Waldrop) (2008)
Subscribers only Tridents (2021)
Antony Rowland Subscribers only Two Poems (2007)
Subscribers only Engrish (2008)
Tadeusz Różewicz Subscribers only Three Poems (1982)
Anthony Rudolf Subscribers only Three Poems (2009)
Subscribers only European Hours (2017)
Subscribers only Two Poems (2018)
Subscribers only Paula Rego’s Studio and her ‘Dollies’ (2022)
Tuvia Ruebner Subscribers only Four Poems (translated by Betsy Rosenberg) (2012)
Carol Rumens Subscribers only Letter to Heinrich Heine (1983)
Subscribers only Two Poems (1985)
Subscribers only Icons, Waves (1986)
Subscribers only Whole Words (2004)
Subscribers only Four Poems (2006)
Subscribers only from Thinking about Montale by the River Hull (2007)
Subscribers only A Poem and a Sequence (2015)
Subscribers only A Translation & Three Poems (2017)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2019)
Subscribers only Three Poems (2020)
Subscribers only Two Free Translations and a Weather-Warning (2024)
James Russell Subscribers only We Two Against the World (2002)
Subscribers only A True-Dream Run (2013)
Peter Russell Subscribers only For K.R. (2000)
Maurice Rutherford Subscribers only Heinz Gropsmeyer (2011)
Kay Ryan Subscribers only from 'Sacraments' (1984)
Poems, Authors - R
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