Pablo Martín Sánchez
The Underlining Is Yours (2021)
Ruth Padel
Reading a Poem (2005)
George Painter
Who was Sylvia? (1982)
Kathryn Pallant
Roarer and other poems (2022)
Michael Palmer
Paz and Vanguardism (Circulations of the Song) (2002)
Tim Parks
Ginzburg's Virtues (1986)
The Novels of Elsa Morante (1988)
Patrick Parrinder
Swan-Songs: the novels of Scott R. Sanders (1988)
Constance Parrish and Duncan Wu
Isabella Lickbarrow: A Romantic Rediscovered (2003)
Idris Parry
Belvedere Hercules (1981)
The North-West Passage (1981)
In Sickness and in Health (1981)
Goethe Observed and Observing (1982)
Lessing on Ghosts (1982)
The Ragged Edge (1983)
A View of Infinity (1983)
Munchausen Tells the Tale (1988)
Stream and Rock (1988)
Margiad Evans (1989)
Rilke and Things (2015)
Elise Paschen
A Tribute (2017)
Boris Pasternak
Early Prose Fragments (1979)
Ian Patterson
Tom Raworth’s ‘Caller’ (2017)
Tom Paulin
Oh Brother! (1986)
Octavio Paz
Black and White - The Graphics of Charles Tomlinson (Translated by Michael Schmidt) (1975)
Dust after Mud: Considering Solzhenitsyn (1977)
Between Isaiah and Job (1978)
Jose Ortega y Gasset: The Why and the Wherefore (1982)
Memento: Jean-Paul Sartre (1984)
André Breton or The Search for the Beginning (1985)
Visit to a Poet (1985)
Gabriel Pearson
'The Happy New Year' (1979)
Graham Pechey
'The scop's twang': Adventures of the monosyllable (2005)
'The scop's twang': Adventures of the Monosyllable (2) (2005)
'The scop's twang': Adventures of the Monosyllable in English Verse (3) (2005)
The-ology: On the Definite Article in English Verse (2016)
John Peck
Three Stories from the Val de Bagnes (1988)
On Two Stanzas by Thom Gunn (1989)
A Note on the Two Poems by Hí Lö (1990)
Brilliance and Res (1992)
Summation and Chthonic Power: Part I (2008)
Summation and Chthonic Power: Part II (2008)
Marjorie Perloff
One of the Two Poetries (1981)
Robert Duncan's Letters to Denise Levertov (1996)
What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Poetry (1997)
The Vienna Paradox (extracts) (2004)
Anna Akhmatova in Translation (2005)
Towards a Conceptual Lyric (2012)
Reading Tom Raworth’s Ace (2017)
Microreading / Microwriting (2019)
Edward Picot
Hyperliterature - The Web as Text (2001)
Selling the Intangible - Literary e-zines and their profitability (2002)
Structuring the Intangible - Literary E-Zines and their Layout (2002)
Self-publication without Tears? - Writers with their own Websites (2002)
The Unfixed Path (2002)
Some Versions of Hyperfiction (2002)
Linear Narrative and the Myth of Certainty (2003)
Adam Piette
Going Underground: on Seamus Heaney (2006)
Activist Poetics in the Cold War: Grace Paley, Denise Levertov (2010)
John Pikoulis
On Editing Edward Thomas (1995)
Janos Pilinszky
KZ Oratorio (translated by Peter Jay) (1981)
John Pilling
Aspects of Kafka (1979)
The Case of Andrew Biely (1979)
E. M. Cioran: An Introduction (1979)
Marginal Notes on the Prose of the Poet Mandelstam (1980)
A European Figure (Hölderlin) (1981)
Life and the Poet: Marina Tsvetaeva (1981)
The Other Canetti (1982)
A Traveller Between Two stations: Boris Pasternak (1983)
Maurice Blanchot (1983)
Leopardi (1984)
Ponge: The Pré and the Proem (1984)
A Quiet Voice Overheard: Jean Follain (1984)
The Tongue that Found its Voice: Elias Canetti (1985)
The Ikon of the Epoch: Anna Akhmatova (1985)
Lermontov Redivivus (1985)
Beckett at Eighty (1986)
Discoveries of Life: Rainer Maria Rilke (1987)
A Little Posthumous Prosperity: Raymond Roussel (1988)
The Other John Ashbery (1990)
In The Grain of The Voice: Yves Bonnefoy (1990)
Out of the Zeitgeist: Gregor Von Rezzori (1992)
Secret Sorcery, Early Ashbery (1994)
Lamb to the Slaughter: Jules Renard (1998)
Rilke Before Malte (1998)
Gunnar Ekelöf: a living dissonance (2000)
A Gregarious Man: Ramón Gomez de la Serna (2000)
Classics and Classifications: Borges, Calvino (2001)
Meditations on the Exote: Victor Segalen (2003)
Robert Pinsky
The Interest of Poetry (1981)
Thom Gunn (1989)
Marcelin Pleynet
Epitaph for Pasolini (1979)
Stav Poleg
Running Between Languages (2022)
Discoveries (2023)
Arthur Pollard
Hymns-Modern and Ancient (1980)
Richard Pollott
The Poet's Response: William Empson and the Faces of Buddha (2006)
Marsha Pomerantz
Touches bloquées (2011)
Giovanni Pontiero
Mario Quintana: A Tribute & Selected Aphorisms (1991)
Richard Poole
The Poetry of George Barker (1980)
Unaccommodated Man (1984)
Roger Poole
La chambre claire - the lost dimension (1986)
Roger Pooley
George Gascoigne: An Advocacy (1983)
Ian Pople
Roy Fisher, The Ship’s Orchestra (2016)
The American Pastoral of Douglas Crase (2019)
Grace and Danger (2022)
Rebecca Porte
From Hiruharama: the Jerusalem Sonnets (2007)
Andrea Porter
INUA (2014)
Peter Porter
The Messiness of Life (1994)
Jem Poster
Beyond the Railheads of Reason (1982)
The Poetry of E.J. Scovell (1988)
James A. Powell
Pontifices (1980)
Michael Powell
From Chetham’s Library (2016)
From Chetham’s Library (2016)
From Chetham’s Library (2017)
From Chetham’s Library (2017)
From Chetham’s Library (2017)
From Chetham’s Library (2017)
From Chetham’s Library (2017)
From Chetham's Library (2017)
From Chetham's Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2018)
From Chetham’s Library (2019)
From Chetham’s Library (2019)
Neil Powell
Magic & String: The Poetry of Peter Scupham (1977)
What is Traditional Poetry (1978)
The Poet, the Public, and the Pub (1979)
A Principle of Conservatism (1979)
Goodbye, Blackberry Way (1980)
'Life' or 'Letters' (1980)
What Life Is - the novels of Martin Amis (1981)
'Dearie Me Today' - Roy Fuller (1981)
The Dream Decays (1982)
Art, if you like (1983)
Homage to Greville (1983)
The Case of Rossiter's Rabbit: Gay publishing, poetry, and AIDS (1987)
Loud Music, Bars and Boisterous Men (1989)
Hammer and Chisel (1991)
Against the Grain (1992)
Adam Johnson (1993)
Roy Fuller: The Double Nature of Nature (1995)
Making Tracks (1996)
Forgetting How to Read (1999)
The Bonfire of the Anthologies (1999)
Winters' Talents (2000)
Robert Graves and the Humour of Homer (2001)
George Crabbe: A Stranger in the City (2004)
Playing Snooker with Dice: Philip Larkin's Juvenilia and Jazz (2006)
‘The Fisherman’: Poet and Audience (2015)
The Poet Alone (2015)
The Poet Alone (2): In a Green Shade (2016)
John in Early Autumn (2017)
Five Portraits of Peter (2018)
Phoebe Power
from Book of Days (2021)
T. F. Powys
Foreword to Sylvia Townsend Warner's A Moral Ending, And Other Stories (1982)
Mark Prendergast
Poetry of the Spanish Minorities (2018)
John Press
Bernard Spencer: A Poet of the Thirties (2000)
Angharad Price
Travelling on the Word-Bus: Gwyneth Lewis's Welsh Poetry (1999)
Chris Price
Songs of Allegiance (2024)
Richard Price
Beyond La Grille (2003)
Migrant the Magnificent (2007)
The Price (2014)
F.T. Prince
Rimbaud after Sixty Years (1991)
In a Glass Darkly (1994)
Italian Hours (1994)
Göran Printz-Påhlson
Surface and Accident: John Ashbery (1985)
Stephen Procter
Xi Chuan & the Contradictory Aesthetics of Revolution (2017)
Rodney Pybus
Catching Fire: The Poetry of Amy Clampitt (1985)