Most Read... John McAuliffeBill Manhire in Conversation with John McAuliffe
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Patricia CraigVal Warner: A Reminiscence
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Joshua WeinerAn Exchange with Daniel Tiffany/Fall 2020
(PN Review 259)
Eavan BolandA Lyric Voice at Bay
(PN Review 121)
Vahni CapildeoOn Judging Prizes, & Reading More than Six Really Good Books
(PN Review 237)
Christopher MiddletonNotes on a Viking Prow
(PN Review 10)
Next Issue Sinead Morrissey 'The Lightbox' Philip Terry 'What is Poetry' Ned Denny 'Nine Poems after Verlaine' Sasha Dugdale 'On learning that Russian mothers buy their soldier sons lucky belts inscribed with Psalm 90 to wear into battle' Rod Mengham 'Cold War Hot Air'
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Sorted by Reviewer... A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Reviews, Reviewees - P
Philip Pacey
(David Jones and Other Wonder-Voyagers)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1985)
Lewis Packer
(Serpentine Futures)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1987)
Ruth Padel
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1994)
Ruth Padel
(52 Ways of Looking At a Poem or How Reading Modern Poetry Can Change Your Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by N.S. Thompson (2002)
Ruth Padel
(Voodoo Shop)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick Mackie (2002)
Ruth Padel
(52 Ways of Looking at a Poem: A Poem for Every Week of the Year)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Radice (2005)
Ruth Padel
Subscribers only reviewed by Alastair Llewellyn-Smith (2019)
Bibhu Padhi
(Lines from a Legend)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1994)
Justo Jorge Padrón
(Boston Anthology of Latin American Poets in London, bilingual text and On the Cutting Edge, selected poems, translated from the Spanish by Louis Bourne)
Subscribers only reviewed by J.M. Cohen (1989)
Geoff Page
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1994)
Norman Page
(Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Whitehead (1999)
Ra Page
(An Anthology of Short Stories by Poets, edited by Ra Page)
Subscribers only reviewed by Liz Lochhead (2004)
Dan Pagis
(The Selected Poetry of Dan Pagis translated by Stephen Mitchell)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1997)
Camille Paglia
(Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1991)
Mark Pajak
(Spitting Distance)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2017)
Mark Pajak
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2023)
Michael Palmer
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1992)
Michael Palmer
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Zawacki (2001)
Penelope Palmer
(The Lamp)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Samuel Palmer
(The Parting Light, Selected Writings of Samuel Palmer, edited by Mark Abley )
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Tomlinson (1986)
William Palmer
(The Paradise Commissionaire)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2014)
Ayyappa Paniker
(Twentieth Century Malayalam Literature, vol. 2, edited by Ayyappa Paniker)
Subscribers only reviewed by W.N. Herbert (2001)
Ethan Paquin
(The Makeshift)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2003)
Jay Parini
(Theodore Roethke: An American Romantic)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1982)
Jay Parini
(Anthracite Country)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rachel Hadas (1983)
Joseph Parisi
(A History of Poetry in Letters - The First Fifty Years 1912-1962, compiled and edited by Joseph Parisi and Stephen Young)
Subscribers only reviewed by Martin Dodsworth (2003)
Deborah Parker
(Inferno Revealed)
Subscribers only reviewed by Philip Terry (2014)
Elizabeth Parker
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Elizabeth Parker
(In Her Shambles)
reviewed by David C. Ward (2019)
Mark Parker
(Inferno Revealed)
Subscribers only reviewed by Philip Terry (2014)
Michael Parker
(The Vandals)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2000)
Caleb Parkin
(This Fruiting Body)
Subscribers only reviewed by Maria Sledmere (2022)
Dean Parkin
(Irresistible to Women)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jackie Wills (2004)
Tim Parks
(Loving Roger)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (1988)
Sandeep Parmar
(The Marble Orchard)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alfred Corn (2012)
Sandeep Parmar
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2017)
Patrick Parrinder
(Authors and Authority: A Study of English Literary Criticism and its Relation to Culture 1750-1900)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Levy (1979)
Patrick Parrinder
(The Failure of Theory: Essays on Criticism and Contemporary Fiction)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1988)
Gwyn Parry
(The Hurricane)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1989)
Idris Parry
(Speak Silence)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hamburger (1989)
John Parry
(Interchange: A Practical Resource for Critical Interpretation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1991)
Kenneth Parry
(The Windeater: Te Kaihau)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jem Poster (1988)
Clere Parsons
(The Air Between: Poems of Clere Parsons)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1990)
Giovanni Pascoli
(Last Dream, Ed. and trans. by Geoffrey Brock)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edmund Prestwich (2020)
Linda Pastan
(Carnival Evening: New and Selected Poems 1968-1998)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Tromp (1999)
Linda Pastan
(The Last Uncle)
Subscribers only reviewed by Judy Kendall (2004)
Boris Pasternak
(Poems, chosen and translated by Lydia Pasternak Slater)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1985)
Kenneth Patchen
(The Journal of Albion Moonlight)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Seed (2017)
Alasdair Paterson
(Terra Nova)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Alasdair Paterson
(elsewhere or thereabouts)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Sutherland-Smith (2014)
Alistair Paterson
(Odysseus Rex, illustrated by Nigel Brown)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1988)
Don Paterson
(Landing Light)
Subscribers only reviewed by Oliver Dennis (2004)
Don Paterson
(New British Poetry, edited by Don Paterson and Charles Simic)
Subscribers only reviewed by John O'Donoghue (2005)
Don Paterson
Subscribers only reviewed by Natalie Pollard (2010)
Don Paterson
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyon (2011)
Don Paterson
(The Poem: Lyric, Sign, Metre)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hal Coase (2018)
Don Paterson
(Toy Fights)
Subscribers only reviewed by Christian Wethered (2023)
Don Paterson
(The Arctic)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hugh Foley (2023)
Ian Patterson
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jack Barron (2025)
Anthony Paul
(OBE POSTMA, What the Poet Must Know, translated by Anthony Paul)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (2004)
Tom Paulin
(A State of Justice)
Subscribers only reviewed by Edward Levy (1978)
Tom Paulin
(The Strange Museum)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Corcoran (1981)
Tom Paulin
(Liberty Tree)
Subscribers only reviewed by Stephen Romer (1984)
Tom Paulin
(The Strange Museum)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1988)
Tom Paulin
(The Faber Book of Vernacular Verse)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.J. Fox (1991)
Tom Paulin
(Minotaur: Poetry and the Nation State)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Rawson (1992)
Tom Paulin
(Walking a Line)
Subscribers only reviewed by Keith Silver (1995)
Tom Paulin
(Walking A Line: New and Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Fenella Copplestone (1995)
Tom Paulin
(The Wind Dog)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2000)
Tom Paulin
(The Invasion Handbook)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew McNeillie (2002)
Tom Paulin
(The Road to Inver)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carmen Bugan (2005)
Tom Paulin
(Love's Bonfire)
Subscribers only reviewed by Vidyan Ravinthiran (2012)
Tom Paulin
(New Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Roger Garfitt (2014)
George Pavlopoulos
(The Cellar)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Simpson (1979)
Ernst Pawel
(The Nightmare of Reason: a Life of Franz Kafka)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hamburger (1985)
Octavio Paz
(One Earth, Four or Five Worlds, translated by Helen R. Lane)
Subscribers only reviewed by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (1986)
Octavio Paz
(One Earth, Four or Five Worlds, translated by Helen R. Lane and The Labyrinth of Solitude, translated by Lysander Kemp )
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Tomlinson (1987)
Mollie Peacock
(The Second Blush)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marcus Smith (2010)
M.R. Peacocke
Subscribers only reviewed by Matthew Francis (1996)
Mervyn Peake
(Collected Poems, edited and introduced by R.W. Maslen)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gregory O'Brien (2008)
Brian Louis Pearce
(The Vision of Piers Librarian)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1983)
Derek Pearsall
(Old English and Middle English Poetry, Routledge History of English Poetry, Vol. 1)
Subscribers only reviewed by Brian Morton (1988)
Javier Peñalosa M.
(What Comes Back / Los que regresan)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris Miller (2025)
John Peck
(Argura and Poems and Translations of Hi-Lo)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick McGuinness (1993)
John Peck
(Collected Shorter Poems 1966-1996)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Carpenter (2000)
John Peck
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2012)
Michael Pennington
(Hamlet: A User's Guide)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1997)
Valentine Penrose
(Poems and Narrations, translated by Roy Edwards )
Subscribers only reviewed by Charles Tomlinson (1979)
Paul Peppis
(Sciences of Modernism: Ethnography, Sexology, and Psychology)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Latimer (2015)
Marjorie Perloff
(The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage)
Subscribers only reviewed by Robert Sheppard (1983)
Marjorie Perloff
(Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Dow (2012)
Walter Perrie
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2005)
Rebecca Perry
(Stone Fruit)
Subscribers only reviewed by Genevieve Stevens (2021)
Fernando Pessoa
(The Keeper of Sheep, translated by Edwin Honig and Susan M. Brown)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1987)
Fernando Pessoa
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1988)
Fernando Pessoa
(Message, translated by Jonathan Griffin)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Holly Pester
(Go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt tip)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rebecca Varley-Winter (2015)
Lily Petch
(From Stone to Clay to Butter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2025)
Alexander Peter
(Roy Campbell: A Critical Biography)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Munton (1982)
Anne Peters
(Rings of Green)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Swarbrick (1983)
Pascale Petit
(Mama Amazonica)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mary Jean Chan (2018)
György Petri
(Night Song of the Personal Shadow: Selected Poems translated by Clive Wilmer and George Gömöri)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1992)
Mario Petrucci
(Heavy Water: A Poem for Chernobyl)
reviewed by Sasha Dugdale (2004)
Henri Peyre
(Victor Hugo: Philosophy and Poetry, translated by Roda Roberts)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Clark (1981)
Tadeus Pfeifer
(The Basalt Womb: Selected Poems, translated by Pamela Hardyment and Vishnu Khare)
reviewed by David Constantine (2004)
Ellen Phethean
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2011)
Carl Phillips
(Wild Is the Wind)
Subscribers only reviewed by Florian Gargaillo (2018)
Carl Phillips
(My Trade Is Mystery)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2023)
Caryl Phillips
(A State of Independence)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1989)
Catherine Phillips
(Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Victorian Visual World)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matías Serra Bradford (2008)
Douglas Phillips
(Sir Lewis Morris)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (1982)
Rowan Ricardo Phillips
(The Failure of the Moment)
reviewed by Kate Caoimhe Arthur (2021)
Tom Pickard
(Custom & Exile)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Marge Piercy
(Stone, Paper, Knife)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1984)
Marge Piercy
(My Mother's Body)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (1986)
W.S. di Piero
(The Restorers)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
Katherine Pierpoint
(Truffle Beds)
Subscribers only reviewed by Loraine Fletcher (1995)
John Pikoulis
(Alun Lewis: A Life )
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Levi (1985)
Janos Pilinszky
(Crater, translated by Peter Jay)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Wilkins (1980)
Janos Pilinszky
Subscribers only reviewed by Tara Bergin (2013)
John Pilling
(Autobiography and Imagination: Studies in Self-Scrutiny)
Subscribers only reviewed by Bernard Bergonzi (1982)
John Pilling
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Swigg (1983)
John Pilling
(50 Modern European Poets)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Levi (1983)
Robert Pinsky
(Jersey Rain)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (2000)
Harold Pinter
(Collected Poems and Prose)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1991)
Heinz Piontek
(Selected Poems translated by Ewald Osers)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
David Piper
(The Image of the Poet: British Poets and their Portraits)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1984)
Alycia Pirmohamed
(Another Way to Split Water)
Subscribers only reviewed by Aoife Lyall (2023)
Ruth Pitter
(Collected Poems with an introduction by Elizabeth Jennings)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Price (1997)
Al Pittman
(Once when I was drowning )
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1985)
John Placentius
(The Pig War)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2023)
Gill Plain
(Women's Fiction of the Second World War: Gender, Power, Resistance)
Subscribers only reviewed by Janet Montefiore (1997)
Sylvia Plath
(Letters Home: Correspondence 1950-1963, edited by Aurelia Schober Plath)
reviewed by Eric Homberger (1977)
William Plomer
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kevin Gardner (2017)
Stanley Plumly
(The Marriage in the Trees)
Subscribers only reviewed by David C. Ward (1998)
Dana Podracka
(Forty Four, translated by Robert Welch)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carmen Bugan (2006)
Patricia Pogson
(A Crackle From The Larder)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1992)
Luis Poirot
(Pablo Neruda: Absence and Presence, with translations by Alastair Reid)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1991)
Velma Pollard
(Shame Trees Don't Grow Here... But Poincianas Bloom)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ruth Morse (1994)
Wendy Pollard
(Pamela Hansford Johnson: Her Life, Works and Times)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (2015)
Robert Pollet
(Poetical Works)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (1993)
Jacob Polley
(The Brink)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Lyon (2005)
Katha Pollitt
(The Mind/Body Problem)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tim Liardet (2013)
Alvaro Pombo
(The Hero of the Big House, translated by Margaret Jull Costa)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Guest (1990)
Francis Ponge
(Selected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1996)
Adrian Poole
(Tragedy - Shakespeare and the Greek Example)
Subscribers only reviewed by Martin Jarrett-Kerr (1988)
Diana Pooley
(Like This)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2011)
Maya C. Popa
(American Faith)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2020)
Maya Catherine Popa
(The Bees Have Been Canceled)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jane Draycott (2018)
Vasko Popa
(The Golden Apple)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1981)
Vasko Popa
(The Golden Apple)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Cayley (1981)
Vasko Popa
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steve King (1999)
Vasko Popa
(The Golden Apple)
Subscribers only reviewed by Fiona Sampson (2011)
Vasko Popa
(Complete Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Tara Bergin (2012)
Deborah Pope
(Mortal World)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nathan Ewer (1996)
Ian Pople
(An Occasional Lean-to)
Subscribers only reviewed by Carol Rumens (2005)
Ian Pople
(Saving Spaces)
Subscribers only reviewed by Joey Connolly (2011)
Katrina Porteous
(The Lost Music)
Subscribers only reviewed by Caroline Sylge (1997)
Peter Porter
(English Subtitles)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1981)
Peter Porter
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Ash (1983)
Peter Porter
(Fast Forward)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1985)
Peter Porter
(The Automatic Oracle)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1989)
Peter Porter
Subscribers only reviewed by Judith Willson (2003)
Peter Porter
(Better than God)
reviewed by Tim Liardet (2009)
Dennis Potter
(Ticket to Ride)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Marriott (1988)
Kate Potts
(Pure Hustle)
Subscribers only reviewed by Charlie Cocksedge (2012)
Ezra Pound
(End to Torment, with poems from Hilda's Book)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Howdle (1981)
Ezra Pound
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Robinson (1985)
Ezra Pound
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Luckett (1985)
Ezra Pound
Subscribers only reviewed by Nigel Wheale (1985)
Ezra Pound
(Pound's Artists: Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts in London, Paris and Italy, edited by Richard Humphries and Pound/Lewis: the Letters of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, edited by Timothy Materer)
Subscribers only reviewed by James Malpas (1986)
Ezra Pound
(Selected Poems and Translations, ed. Richard Sieburth )
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Latimer (2013)
Omar Pound
(The Dying Sorcerer)
Subscribers only reviewed by C.B. McCully (1986)
Grosvenor Powell
(Language as Being in the Poetry of Yvor Winters)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1981)
Neil Powell
(At the Edge, Carpenters of Light: A Critical Study of Contemporary British Poetry, and Out of Time)
Subscribers only reviewed by Bernard Bergonzi (1981)
Neil Powell
(A Season of Calm Weather)
Subscribers only reviewed by Steven Tuohy (1983)
Neil Powell
(Roy Fuller: Writer and Society)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dennis O'Driscoll (1996)
Neil Powell
(George Crabbe: An English Life 1754-1832)
Subscribers only reviewed by Norman Scarfe (2005)
Neil Powell
(Proof of Identity)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kevin J. Gardner (2012)
Neil Powell
(Benjamin Britten: A Life for Music)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Matthias (2013)
Neil Powell
(Was and Is: Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kevin Gardner (2017)
John Powell Ward
(Selected and New Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Sam Adams (2005)
Phoebe Power
(Shrines of Upper Austria)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jennifer Edgecombe (2019)
Nina Mingya Powles
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Pople (2021)
Karen Pratt
(The Song of Roland and Other Poems of Charlemagne, a new translation by Simon Gaunt and Karen Pratt)
Subscribers only reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2017)
Wendy Pratt
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Chris Preddle
(Cattle Console Him)
Subscribers only reviewed by Rachel Redford (2011)
Jacques Préevert
(Selected Poems, translated by Sarah Lawson)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (2004)
Mark Prendergast
(The Order of Mimesis: Balzac, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1987)
Tara Prescott
(Poetic Salvage, Reading Mina Loy)
Subscribers only reviewed by Gerry McGrath (2018)
Frances Presley
(Paravane: New and Selected Poems 1996-2003)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Kennedy (2005)
Anthony Price
(For the Good of the State)
Subscribers only reviewed by Marghanita Laski (1987)
Jonathan Price
(Everything Must Go)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul McLoughlin (1987)
Richard Price
(Lucky Day)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2005)
Richard Price
Subscribers only reviewed by Simon Smith (2007)
Stephen Prickett
(Words and "The Word": language, poetics and biblical interpretation)
Subscribers only reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1987)
Jana Prikryl
(No Matter)
Subscribers only reviewed by Evan Jones (2020)
Alison Prince
(The Whifflet Train)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Price (2005)
F.T. Prince
(Afterword on Rupert Brooke)
Subscribers only reviewed by Paul Wilkins (1979)
F.T. Prince
(Collected Poem)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1980)
F.T. Prince
(Later On)
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris McCully (1984)
F.T. Prince
(Walks in Rome)
Subscribers only reviewed by Neil Powell (1989)
F.T. Prince
(Collected Poems 1935-1992)
Subscribers only reviewed by Peter Robinson (1993)
Simon Pringle
(Das Booty )
Subscribers only reviewed by Chris Miller (2014)
William H. Pritchard
(Frost: A Literary Life Reconsidered)
Subscribers only reviewed by E.W.F. Tomlin (1986)
William H. Pritchard
(Randall Jarrell, A Literary Life)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1992)
William T. Pritchard
(Seeing Through Everything: English Writers 1918-1940)
Subscribers only reviewed by David Levy (1978)
Frederic Prokosch
(Voices: a memoir)
Subscribers only reviewed by Mark Thompson (1985)
Wyatt Prunty
(The Times Between)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Wyatt Prunty
(Domestic of the Outer Bank)
Subscribers only reviewed by Dick Davis (1982)
Wyatt Prunty
(The Run of the House)
Subscribers only reviewed by Richard Francis (1993)
J.H. Prynne
Subscribers only reviewed by Dennis Keene (1983)
J.H. Prynne
Subscribers only reviewed by Alan Halsey (1983)
J.H. Prynne
reviewed by James Keery (1997)
J.H. Prynne
(Biting the Air)
Subscribers only reviewed by John Muckle (2004)
J.H. Prynne
(The White Stones)
Subscribers only reviewed by Ian Brinton (2016)
J.H. Prynne
(The Oval Window: a new annotated edition)
Subscribers only reviewed by Hal Coase (2018)
J.H. Prynne
Subscribers only reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2020)
Sheenagh Pugh
(Crowded by Shadows)
Subscribers only reviewed by Deborah Mitchell (1979)
Sheenagh Pugh
(Earth Studies and Other Voyages)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Bird (1984)
Sheenagh Pugh
(Beware Falling Tortoises)
Subscribers only reviewed by Jeremy Hooker (1988)
Sheenagh Pugh
(Sing for the Taxman)
Subscribers only reviewed by T.J.G. Harris (1993)
Manuel Puig
(Blood of Requited Love, translated by Jan L. Grayson and The Buenos Aires Affair, translated by Suzanne Jill Levine)
Subscribers only reviewed by Harry Guest (1990)
Sally Purcell
(Dark of Day)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Simpson (1979)
Sally Purcell
(Collected Poems)
Subscribers only reviewed by Kate Keogan (2003)
Al Purdy
(Being Alive: Poems 1958-78)
Subscribers only reviewed by Michael Hulse (1986)
Alexander Pushkin
(The Bronze Horseman and other poems, translated by D. M. Thomas )
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1983)
Alexander Pushkin
(The Gypsies and Other Narrative Poems, translated by Antony Wood with engravings by Simon Brett)
reviewed by Elaine Feinstein (2007)
Rodney Pybus
(At the Stone Junction)
Subscribers only reviewed by Matt Simpson (1980)
Rodney Pybus
(Flying Blues)
Subscribers only reviewed by Patrick McGuinness (1995)
Eveline Pye
(Smoke that Thunders)
Subscribers only reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Avril Pyman
(The Life of Aleksandr Blok. Volume I: 'The Distant Thunder 1880-1908' and Volume II: 'The Release of Harmony 1908-1924')
Subscribers only reviewed by John Pilling (1981)
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