André Naffis-Sahely (The Other Side of Nowhere)
reviewed by Rory Waterman (2020)
André Naffis-Sahely (High Desert)
reviewed by Bebe Ashley (2024)
Ágnes Nemes Nagy (The Night of Akhenaton: Selected Poems, translated by George Szirtes)
reviewed by Judy Kendall (2004)
Elizabeth Nannestad (Jump)
reviewed by Michael Hulse (1988)
Miriam Nash (All the Prayers in the House)
reviewed by Joey Connolly (2018)
Miriam Nash (The Nine Mothers of Heimdallr)
reviewed by Rory Waterman (2021)
Roger Nash (Settlement in a School of Whales)
reviewed by Michael Hulse (1986)
Jesse Nathan (Eggtooth)
reviewed by Susan Wheatley (2023)
Leonard Nathan (Leonard Nathan and Arthur Quinn, The Poet's Work. An Introduction to Czeslaw Milosz)
reviewed by Donald Davie (1993)
Yves Navarre (Cronus' Children, translated by Howard Girven)
reviewed by Richard Brown (1987)
Anatoly Nayman (Remembering Anna Akhmatova, translated by Wendy Rosslyn)
reviewed by John Pilling (1993)
Helena Nelson (Starlight on Water)
reviewed by Richard Price (2004)
Marilyn Nelson (The Fields of Praise)
reviewed by David C. Ward (1998)
Howard Nemerov (Inside the Onion)
reviewed by Avril Horner (1986)
Pablo Neruda (Selected Poems, ed. Nathaniel Tarn; a bilingual ed. translated by Anthony Kerrigan, W. S. Merwin and Nathaniel Tarn with an introduction by Jean Franco)
reviewed by Jeffrey Wainwright (1978)
Pablo Neruda (Isla Negra, Pablo Neruda, translated by Alistair Reid )
reviewed by Paul Carter (1983)
Pablo Neruda (The Captain's Verses translated by Brian Cole)
reviewed by John Pilling (1995)
Pablo Neruda (The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems, edited by Mark Eisne)
reviewed by Miriam Gamble (2010)
Pablo Neruda (The Unknown Neruda)
reviewed by Brian Morton (2021)
Vincent Newey (Cowper's Poetry: A Critical Study and Reassessment )
reviewed by James Ogden (1983)
Margaret Newlin (The Snow Falls Upward: Collected Poems)
reviewed by Andrew Waterman (1979)
Lucy Newlyn (The Craft of Poetry)
reviewed by Ian Brinton (2021)
Amy Newman (Fall)
reviewed by David C. Ward (2006)
Joan Newman (Coming of Age)
reviewed by Rennie Parker (1995)
John Henry Newman (Collected Poems and the Dream of Gerontius)
reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1993)
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (Selected Poems)
reviewed by Ben Hickman (2008)
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (The Sun-fish)
reviewed by Alex Wylie (2010)
Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin (Collected Poems)
reviewed by Aoife Lyall (2021)
Charles Nicholl (Somebody Else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa 1880-91)
reviewed by John Pilling (1997)
Judith Nicholls (Midnight Forest)
reviewed by Neil Powell (1989)
Grace Nichols (The Fat Black Woman's Poems)
reviewed by Chris McCully (1986)
Grace Nichols (I Have Crossed An Ocean: Selected Poems and Picasso, I Want My Face Back)
reviewed by Vivienne Neale (2010)
J.G. Nichols (The Paradise Construction Company)
reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2005)
Colin Nicholson (Edwin Morgan: Inventions of Modernity)
reviewed by Kate Price (2003)
Norman Nicholson (The Shadow of Black Combe)
reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1979)
Norman Nicholson (Sea to the West)
reviewed by Matt Simpson (1982)
Norman Nicholson (Collected Poems, ed. Neil Curry)
reviewed by Peter Robinson (1995)
Friedrich Nietzsche (Dithyrambs of Dionysus)
reviewed by Michael Nath (2001)
Paschalis Nikolaou (12 Greek Poems after Cavafy)
reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
Stangos Nikos (Pure Reason: Poems by Nikos Stangos)
reviewed by Evan Jones (2009)
John Frederick Nims (A Local Habitation)
reviewed by Ruth Morse (1987)
Joanna Nissel (Guerrilla Brightenings)
reviewed by Ian Seed (2022)
Alastair Niven (Under Another Sky: An Anthology of Commonwealth Poetry Prize Winners, edited by Alastair Niven )
reviewed by Ruth Morse (1988)
Liz Niven (Stravaigin)
reviewed by Sarah Wardle (2001)
Liz Niven (Burning Whins and Other Poems)
reviewed by Richard Price (2005)
Vivien Noakes
reviewed by Andrew Hadfield (2009)
Kevin Nolan (Alar and Personal Pong)
reviewed by James Keery (1999)
Kevin Nolan (Loving Little Orlick)
reviewed by James Keery (2011)
Alistair Noon (Earth Records)
reviewed by Henry King (2014)
Cees Nooteboom (Monkâs Eye translated from the Dutch by David Colmer)
reviewed by Anthony Barnett (2019)
Rosemary Norman (For Example)
reviewed by Alison Brackenbury (2016)
C. C. Norris (William Empson and the Philosophy of Literary Criticism)
reviewed by David J. Levy (1980)
Christopher Norris (The Deconstructive Turn)
reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1985)
Leslie Norris
reviewed by Sibylle Steger-Hoey (1990)
Cyprian Norwid (Poet, Thinker, Craftsman - A Centennial Conference )
reviewed by John Pilling (1991)
Alice Notley (Above the Leaders)
reviewed by Val Nolan (2009)
Michael Nott (Thom Gunn: A Cool Queer Life)
reviewed by N.S. Thompson (2024)
Víctor Rodrígues Núñez (The Infinite's Ash)
reviewed by Trevor Barnett (2009)
A.D. Nuttall (A New Mimesis: Shakespeare and the Representation of Reality)
reviewed by Nicolas Tredell (1985)
Jeff Nuttall (Jeff Nuttall's Wake on Paper/CD edited by Michael Horowitz)
reviewed by Oliver Dennis, Peter Riley, and Philip Terry (2005)
Selina Nwulu (A Little Resurrection)
reviewed by Kayleigh Jayshree (2024)
Robert Nye (A Collection of Poems 1955-1988 and The Memories of Lord Byron: A Novel)
reviewed by Gabriel Josipovici (1990)
Robert Nye (Collected Poems)
reviewed by C.H. Sisson (1996)
Robert Nye (The Rain and the Glass: 99 Poems, New and Selected)
reviewed by Helena Nelson (2005)
Robert Nye (The Rain and the Glass: 99 Poems, New and Selected )
reviewed by Rory Waterman (2012)
Robert Nye (An Almost Dancer: Poems 2005-2011)
reviewed by Helena Nelson (2012)