George MacBeth
The Early Barker (1983)
Antonio Machado
Campos de Soria translated by Virginia Falconer (2019)
Mairi MacInnes
Marvell in Yorkshire, Yeats in Sligo (1982)
Metaphors of Place (1982)
Duncan MacKay
Eliot’s Scientific ‘Tendencies’ (2016)
on Charles Olson (2018)
Ezra Pound's Fragments (2019)
Patrick Mackie
Remembers (2018)
Sorley Maclean
par lui même (1990)
Silis MacLeod
The Con of the Wild (2023)
Robin Maconie
The Way of Music (2008)
Where Conductors Fear to Tread (2008)
Facing the Music: Stockhausen's Wizard of Oz (2009)
Chapter Zero: Silence (2010)
A Metaphrase of Gertrude Stein (2011)
Brian Maidment
Reading Ruskin and Ruskin Readers (1988)
Poetry in Motion (2017)
James Malpas
Shock of Recognition: Ian Hamilton Finlay (1986)
The Little Theatre of the World (1986)
Dominic Manganiello
C.H. Sisson's Purgatorial Dark Wood (2001)
Alberto Manguel
Dante's Dog (2010)
A Note on Change (2011)
Translating Dante (2022)
Selbstgefühl (2022)
For Michael (2023)
Orlando Fantastico: Il non credibile vero (2023)
Bill Manhire
Ponies (1987)
Wings of Gold: A Week Among Poets (1991)
Bill Manhire and Sinéad Morrissey
A New Divan translated by Bill Manhire & Sinéad Morrissey (2019)
Bill Manhire
Contributors’ Notes (2023)
Rachel Mann
Michael Schmidt (2023)
Thomas Mann
on ‘Billy Budd’ (2024)
Dorian Grieve, John Manson, and Alan Riach
Hugh MacDiarmid after 25 Years (2003)
E.A. Markham
Roots and Roots (2003)
Robyn Marsack
Towards Jerusalem (James K. Baxter) (1982)
Three New Zealand Poets (1985)
From Glasgow to Nineveh (2006)
After the War Is Over (2022)
PNR (2023)
Bernice Martin
Devil and Angel (1980)
David Martin
The Sound of England (1979)
Why Spit on Your Luck? (1980)
Polity and Religion in Charles Sisson (1984)
A Decade On (1990)
Charles Martindale
Literature and Christian Belief (1984)
Toby Martinez de las Rivas
Different Gods: C.H. Sisson and Jack Clemo (2014)
Pierre Martory
Introduction to Washington Square, translated by John Ashbery (2014)
Boris Dralyuk and Irina Mashinski
'Sudden Ascent' (2021)
R. W. Maslen
Mervyn Peake's Illustrations for Rhymes Without Reason (1944) (2011)
John Hope Mason
The Neglect of Pirandello (1983)
Ronald Mason and Charles Olsen
A Correspondence (2003)
Ian Massey
Keith Vaughan (2013)
John Matthias
Speak That I May See Thee: 'Dai Greatcoat' (1981)
The Haunting of Benjamen Britten (1993)
From Mauberley to Middagh Street: Ways of Meeting the British (1994)
Walford Davies and Ralph Maud
Concerns about Dylan Thomas (2004)
Carol Mavor
Aurelia: Art and Literature through the Mouth of the Fairy Tale (2015)
Hugh Maxton
A Miss is as good as... (1983)
Mary Maxwell
The Way Grass Grows: Janice Biala, Ford Madox Ford and Ezra Pound’s Pisan Cantos (2015)
Biala in Provincetown (2020)
William Maxwell
Sylvia Townsend Warner and The New Yorker (1982)
Adrian May
The Abandonment of Song: Taking the Popular Song Seriously (2007)
What Songs Arctic Monkeys Sang (2007)
The Hang of Song: Arctic Monkeys and Clare Pollard (2011)
Gerald Kersh and My Mum's Secret (2013)
That Man’s Scope: Dudley Young (1941–2021) (2023)
Traditionalism and Tradition (2024)
Clémentine Mélois
From Otherwise I Forget (2021)
John McAuliffe
The Evolution of Irish Poetry (2015)
Heaney the Correspondent and Translator (2024)
Joan McBreen
Domestic Interior (2014)
Shara McCallum
A Conversation with Eavan Boland (2014)
Peter McCarey
The Woden Dog Fan Club Presents: Christopher Middleton (2007)
Poetry and the Practice of Translation (2008)
Squink: Reading J.H. Prynne (2012)
Penny McCarthy
Englit and the Cultomats (1993)
About Ashbery (1994)
The Excluded Middle-of-the-Roader (1994)
Thomas McCarthy
Eavan Boland’s Daring Integrity: A Quick Glance at the Poet’s Context (2014)
C.B. McCully
A Mine of Mind (1984)
Choosing Voices: Harrison, Heaney and Motion (1985)
Snake's Tails (1987)
Finding a Voice (1988)
Chris McCully
Missing Measures and the Matter of Metre (1991)
Better fame: the poetry of Anne Stevenson (1993)
The Beautiful Lie: Towards a Biology of Literature (1998)
Against Transcendental Gossip: the symbolic language of rhythm (1998)
Body of Evidence (1999)
Poetry Reading and Patronage (1999)
Memes and Metre (2001)
More on Memes (2001)
On Neither Writing Nor Revising (2002)
Speaking in Effect (2004)
The Word in Time (1): 'More like masonry than music' (2006)
The Word in Time (2): Diplomat and revolutionary (2006)
The Word in Time 3: 'Marlowe's mighty line' (2006)
The Word in Time 4: Lyrical Ballads (2006)
The Word in Time 5: The Wreck of the Pound (2006)
The Word in Time 6: The culture of watery pebbles (2007)
Culture, Civilisation, Conrad (2014)
An Essay on Prosody (2017)
Peter McDonald
Difficulty, Democracy, and Modern Poetry (2005)
'Faults' and 'Impartial Criticism': Lives of the Poets I (2008)
The PN Review Lecture (2016)
Yeats, Landor, Hill & An Unwritten Book (2017)
Iain McGilchrist
Doctors and Critics (1986)
James McGonigal
Recovering the Divan: Structure in Edwin Morgan's Long Poem (2010)
Triple-distilled: Edwin Morgan's Epistolary Spirit (2013)
Keeping it Concrete: Edwin Morgan in the Sixties (2013)
Exit, in Pursuit of a Bugbear: Edwin Morgan and Poetic Drama (2014)
Poets Post-War (2016)
Gerry McGrath
Ends and Beginnings: Ten Things about Josef Brodsky (2013)
Sadness is a Beautiful Category: Wisława Szymborska (2014)
Eugenio Montale: Making the Balance Line (2014)
Tomas Tranströmer: Schubert’s Ghost (2014)
Medbh McGuckian
Birds and their Masters (2014)
Patrick McGuinness
Ashbery (1994)
British Poets in Egypt 1940-1945 (1996)
Mallarmé's Pour un tombeau d'Anatole (1996)
Robert Graves, Modernism and the 'Poetic Body' (1996)
T.E. Hulme: An Introduction (1997)
T.E. Hulme: An Introduction II (1997)
Donald Davie and Robert Graves (1999)
Patrick McGuinness and Charles Mundye
Revisiting a Collaboration (2002)
Patrick McGuinness
The Poetry of Lynette Roberts (2005)
Burns Singer (2006)
on Vinegar Hill (2024)
Paul McLoughlin
Against Excess (1986)
Romantic Agoraphobia: The Poetry of Brian Jones (2011)
Andrew McNeillie
Strike a Light (2017)
On First Looking into Dylan Thomas – I (2024)
On First Looking into Dylan Thomas – II (2024)
On First Looking into Dylan Thomas – III (2024)
Christoph Meckel
How did Caravaggio Die? (1980)
Máighréad Medbh
Expressing the Source: Eavan Boland and Adrienne Rich (2014)
Paula Meehan
On ‘Making Money’ (2014)
Rod Mengham
Radio Silence: MacNeice's Two Autumns (2013)
The Point-Switch (2017)
Cover Story (2018)
Cover Story (2018)
Cover Story (2018)
Cover Story (2019)
Cover Story (2019)
Cover Story (2019)
Cover Story (2019)
Darren Almond, ‘Present Form Exposed’ (2019)
Last Exit for the Revolution (2024)
Mario Menocal and Jeffrey Meyers
A Cuban View of Hemingway (2017)
Moelwyn Merchant
Writing Jeshua (1988)
Meetings with Pound (1989)
Elizabeth Metzger
The Poetic Line: A Figment of Mortality (2015)
Jeffrey Meyers
V.S. Naipaul and Paul Theroux (1999)
Mario Menocal and Jeffrey Meyers
A Cuban View of Hemingway (2017)
Jeffrey Meyers
Mr W. H. (2022)
Strict Adultery (2024)
K. Michel
on Zbigniew Herbert (translated by Donald Gardner) (2021)
Walter Michel
Gottfried Benn: an Introduction (1979)
Gottfried Benn (Part III) (1980)
Gottfried Benn (II): The Poet in Politics 1933-4 (1980)
Gottfried Benn's Letters (1982)
Alex Middleton
Translating Inger Christensen (2005)
Christopher Middleton
For Márton, Erwin, and Miklos (1978)
Notes on a Viking Prow (1979)
Notes on a Viking Prow (Part II) (1980)
Seventeen Hiccups on the Question of Novelty (1981)
Some Old Hats from the History of Imagination (1982)
Louise Moillon's Apricots (1635) (1982)
Ideas about Voice in Poetry (1983)
The Story of Opal (1987)
For Burning (1989)
For Burning (1989)
A Moment in the Eighteenth Century (1990)
On Poetry and Opinion (1993)
A Pasquil on the Poetry Scene (1993)
A Wave (1994)
On the Mental Image (1995)
Surface and Depth: Observations on the Road (1996)
On Imagination and Lyric Voice (1997)
On the Apotropaic Element in Poetry (2002)
From a Work in Prospect (2002)
An Errant Retrospect (2006)
A Nagging Fragment (2006)
Melancholy: Uncertain Aspects (2007)
Patrick Miles
Joseph Brodsky in Leningrad (2019)
Chris Miller
The Centrality of Heart Crane (1992)
Miron Biaroszewski's 'A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising' (1993)
Ashbery: What's Keeping us Here? (1994)
Allen Curnow as Post-Modern Metaphysical (1995)
The Pope and the Canon (1997)
Diamants Elus: The Romantic Agony and the Politics of The Waste Land (1998)
'There is no bloodless myth will hold': Allen Curnow (1999)
The Mandelstam Syndrome and the 'Old Heroic Bang' (2005)
Mysticism in a Foreign Language (2011)
What the Dead Keep (2011)
Death and the Mnemonic Muse (2012)
Ways of Being a Poet: Chris Mann (2013)
Bruno & the ‘Bonnefidèlien’ (i.m. Yves Bonnefoy) (2016)
on Alvin Feinman (2019)
on Allen Curnow (2019)
Constructing Pavlović (2023)
J. Hillis Miller
The Task of Criticism (1986)
Kei Miller
The Art of Tongues, The Craft of Prophecy (2008)
the Fat Black Woman (2018)
Drew Milne
Liminal, Ludic and Disruptive: Christopher Middleton's Short Prose (2013)
from ‘preposition stranding' (2014)
‘Just Saying No’: Beckett’s Epistolary Dissidence (2017)
Tom Raworth’s Writing (2017)
from Third Nature (2018)
Joseph Minden
Heritage Psychosis (2022)
Sally Minogue
Living Pictures of the Dead (1998)
Basil Mitchell
Common Consent (1980)
J. Lawrence Mitchell
'The Secret Country of Her Mind' - Aspects of the Novels of Sylvia Townsend Warner (1982)
Ange Mlinko
After Elizabeth Bowen (2023)
Deborah Moffatt
Waiting for Rain (1988)
John Mole
Waterman's Progress (1978)
3 Poems (1978)
Mandeville Press (2018)
John Montague
Turbulent Light (2000)
Eugenio Montale
Dante Today and Yesterday (1978)
Benedetto Croce (1979)
Janet Montefiore
Undeservedly Forgotten: women poets and others in the 1930s (1994)
On Reading Edgell Rickword (1998)
A Wise Poet: D.J. Enright (1998)
'She Can, If Anybody Could': The Poetry of Marilyn Hacker (2013)
Edwin Morgan
Scotland and the World (1999)
Stephen Raw: Lettering Artist (2003)
Translator’s Notebook (1) (edited by James McGonigal) (2017)
Translator’s Notebook : 2 (ed. James McGonigal) (2017)
Translator’s Notebook : 3 (ed. James McGonigal) (2017)
Translator’s Notebook IV : Machine Translation, Machine Creation (ed. James McGonigal) (2017)
Translator’s Notebook VI: From Glasgow to Granada (ed. James McGonigal) (2018)
Translator’s Notebook (ed. James McGonigal) (2018)
Translator’s Notebook (ed. James McGonigal) (2018)
Translator’s Notebook (ed. James McGonigal) (2018)
Translator’s Notebook (ed. James McGonigal) (2018)
Horatio Morpurgo
Samuel Butler, or The Art of Being Funny about Religion (2009)
Signor Butler and the Search for Desmond (2014)
More Than One View of Somewhere in Central Ukraine (2014)
The View from Mount Eryx (2015)
Unseasonably Speaking (2018)
on Seán Rafferty (2018)
A Deed of Quixote (2019)
The Thames by Night (2022)
Sand City in the Rain (2022)
On Findingness (2023)
Reviewing Ho! Ho! Ho! (2023)
Semyon Lipkin and the Russia That Must Be There Somewhere (2024)
Discovered during Repair Work (2024)
What Is a Book? (2024)
J.E. Morpurgo
More than a Brother: Edmund Blunden and Hector Buck (1997)
Blake Morrison
The Movement: A Re-Assessment (1977)
The Movement: A Re-assessment (part 2) (1978)
Poetry and Learning (1978)
Sinéad Morrissey
Beginnings (1995)
Bill Manhire and Sinéad Morrissey
A New Divan translated by Bill Manhire & Sinéad Morrissey (2019)
Sinéad Morrissey
Put Off That Mask (2019)
A Week in Gdańsk (2021)
Like Wine through Water (2023)
An Asterisk on the Map (2023)
Ruth Morse
The Poetry of A.D. Hope (1985)
Observed Brains: the novels of John Treherne (1988)
Back Street (1990)
A.L. Morton
Edgell Rickword and The Calendar of Modern Letters (1979)
Brian Morton
'Burning the Books' (1984)
Rights and Duties (1984)
The novels of William Gaddis (1986)
Orient und Okzident (2020)
On Edouard Glissant (2020)
Now... (2021)
Then... (2021)
Stanley Moss
Diary of a Satyr (2009)
Andrew Motion
John Fuller (2017)
Victoria Moul
A Singular Category (2024)
John Muckle
Denise Riley (2006)
How Radio Works: Tom Raworth's Poetry 1 (2007)
How Radio Works 2: Tom Raworth - Time, Identity and Tradition (2007)
How Radio Works 3: Tom Raworth - Time, Identity and Tradition (2007)
How Radio Works 4: Tom Raworth - Time, Identity and Tradition (2007)
Ed Dorn's Theatre of Impatience (2007)
A Shoal of Names in Nets of Rain (2009)
Out of Town: Robert Duncan, Michael McClure, and The Ground Aslant (2011)
Patrick McGuinness and Charles Mundye
Revisiting a Collaboration (2002)
Charles Mundye
Ezra Pound's Operas (2003)
Outside the Imaginary Museum: Lynette Roberts and Keidrych Rhys (2013)
Lynette Roberts and Dylan Thomas: Background to a Friendship (2014)
Alan Munton
A Failed Humanism (1975)
The Politics of Wyndham (1977)
Edgell Rickword A Celebration (1979)
History & Change (1980)
'To Advise the Minister': Authors and Propaganda in Wartime (1986)
Sexism and Spain (1998)
Tom Paulin's Paisley: Politics, Poetry and Penises (1998)
Radical Deception: Tom Paulin and Hazlitt's Imagination (2000)
The Trouble with Sean O'Brien (2002)
Kathryn Murphy
In My Opinion, Having Read These Things (2010)
Les Murray
In a Working Forest (1991)
Les A. Murray
Poems and Poesies (1988)
Poems and the Mystery of Embodiment (1990)
Adolf Muschg
'...And Gifted with Hearing' (1989)
Robert Musil
On Stupidity (part two) (1979)
On Stupidity (1979)
The Blackbird (Translated by Catherine Wilson) (1989)